Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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DOE Issues Policy Statement on Non-FTA LNG Exports

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) has issued a policy statement regarding long-term authorizations to export LNG to nations without a Free Trade Agreement (non-FTA nations) with the United States.  DOE/FE states that it wishes to allay concerns of potential importers of U.S. LNG and financiers of LNG export projects about the security of existing (or future) non-FTA export authorizations, and therefore “affirms its commitment to all export authorizations issued under the [Natural Gas Act], including long-term authorizations approving the export of LNG to...
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Correction – Galveston Bay LNG Receives DOE FTA-Only Export Authority

On July 10, 2018, LNG Law Blog reported that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) had issued an order authorizing Galveston Bay LNG, LLC to export up to 785.5 Bcf/year (2.15 Bcf/day) of domestically produced LNG over 20 years by vessel to both nations with and without a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States.   The order authorizes Galveston Bay LNG to export the LNG only to nations with an FTA with the United States.  The order states that DOE will address Galveston Bay LNG’s request to export LNG to non-FTA nations in a separate order....
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CCL Requests Authorization to Construct Stage 3 LNG Facilities

Corpus Christi Liquefaction Stage III, LLC (CCL) has filed an application with FERC for authorization to site, construct, and operate an expansion of the Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project currently under construction at Corpus Christi, Texas. The proposed Stage 3 expansion project would add seven midscale liquefaction trains, one LNG storage tank, and an additional interconnected pipeline to the existing project. The Stage 3 Project would increase the expected aggregate nominal LNG production capacity at the Liquefaction Project to approximately 23 million metric tonnes per annum....
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Corpus Christi Liquefaction Authorized to Commission Train 1

FERC has issued an order authorizing Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC (CCL) to introduce gas and commission the Train 1 fuel gas system at CCL’s liquefaction and export terminal under construction at Corpus Christi, Texas.
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Blue Water Fuels Receives DOE LNG Export Authority

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued an order authorizing Blue Water Fuels, LLC (Blue Water) to export up to 2.715 Bcf/year (0.007 Bcf/day) of domestically produced LNG over 25 years via ISO containers or in bulk, transported on vessels, to nations having a Free Trade Agreement with the United States. Blue Water seeks to purchase the LNG for export from the existing the Nu Blue Energy Facility owned by its parent company, located in Port Allen, La. The LNG will be loaded at the Nu Blue Energy Facility into ISO containers or in bulk onto tanker trucks and then will be transported by...
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Galveston Bay LNG Receives DOE Export Authority

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued an order authorizing Galveston Bay LNG, LLC to export up to 785.5 Bcf/year (2.15 Bcf/day) of domestically produced LNG over 20 years by vessel from its proposed liquefaction facility to be located in Texas City, Texas. Galveston Bay LNG is authorized to export the LNG to nations both with and without a Free Trade Agreement with the United States. Galveston Bay LNG is wholly-owned (100%) by NextDecade LNG, LLC, which in turn is owned solely by NextDecade...
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Cheniere Energy Signs HOA with CPC Corporation, Taiwan

CPC Corporation, Taiwan (CPC) announced that on June 20, 2018, it signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with Cheniere Energy, Inc. (Cheniere) for a 25-year LNG sales and purchase collaboration. According to the press release, “the agreement would strengthen CPC’s cooperation with Cheniere with regards to its development of LNG liquefaction and export projects in North America.”
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