Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Alaska and ExxonMobil Sign Agreement for Alaska LNG Supplies

Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, sponsor of the Alaska LNG Project, has announced that it has signed a Gas Sales Precedent Agreement with ExxonMobil Alaska Production Inc. (ExxonMobil) that covers certain key terms, including price and a volume basis, for a Gas Sales Agreement.  According to the press release, the parties anticipate finalizing long-term gas sales agreements to purchase ExxonMobil’s share of 30 Tcf of gas from the Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson units.  ExxonMobil operates the Point Thomson field where the company has a 62.75 percent share. ExxonMobil also has a 36.4...
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FERC Permits Introduction of Feed Gas for Sabine Pass Train 5 Commissioning

FERC has issued a letter order permitting the introduction of feed gas for the commissioning of Train 5 at Sabine Pass LNG’s liquefaction and export facility at Cameron Parish, La.
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Freeport LNG Affiliate and Sumitomo Enter Into HOA

FLNG Liquefaction 4, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Freeport LNG Development, L.P., and Sumitomo Corporation of Americas (SCOA) jointly announced that they have entered into a binding Heads of Agreement (HOA) for 2.2 million tons per year of LNG. Under the HOA, SCOA has agreed to negotiate for a 20-year liquefaction tolling agreement (LTA). The LTA is expected to start in 2023 upon the commencement of commercial operations of Train 4 of Freeport LNG’s liquefaction and export facility under construction on Quintana Island near Freeport,...
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Venture Global LNG and Repsol Reach Deal for Calcasieu Pass LNG Supplies

Reuters reports that Venture Global LNG (VGL) has entered into a 20-year agreement to supply Spanish energy company Repsol SA with one million tons per year of LNG from VGL’s proposed Calcasieu Pass LNG export facility in Cameron Parish, La. According to the report, Repsol will purchase the LNG on a free on board (FOB) basis beginning upon commercial operation of the Calcasieu Pass LNG export facility, which is expected in...
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Galveston Bay LNG Requests Initiation of FERC Pre-Filing Process

Galveston Bay LNG, LLC and Galveston Bay Header System (together, “GB Developers”) have filed a request with FERC to initiate FERC’s pre-filing environmental review process for their proposed liquefaction facility, LNG export terminal, and interconnected pipeline on Galveston Bay at Shoal Point, adjacent to the Texas City Ship Channel. The proposed terminal will have three LNG liquefaction trains, each with a nominal capacity of 5.5 million tonnes per annum (approximately 0.733 Bcf/day), four LNG storage tanks, two marine jetties for ocean-going LNG vessels, and one turning basin. GB...
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FERC Issues Environmental Review Schedules for 12 Pending LNG Terminal Applications

FERC announced that its Staff has issued environmental review schedules for 12 LNG terminal applications pending before it. The schedules reflect FERC’s efforts in recent months to streamline its review process for LNG project applications. Schedules were issued for the following proposed LNG projects: Alaska LNG Annova LNG Brownsville Corpus Christi Liquefaction Stage 3  Driftwood LNG  Freeport Train 4  Gulf LNG  Jacksonville Eagle Jordan Cove Venture Global Plaquemines LNG Port Arthur  Rio Grande LNG Texas LNG...
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FERC Releases Anticipated Final Order Dates for Three LNG Projects

FERC has issued notices of the anticipated dates of final orders for the following LNG export terminal projects: Gulf LNG (July 16, 2019); Venture Global Calcasieu Pass (January 22, 2019); and Alaska LNG (February 6, 2020).      
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