Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Releases Final EIS for Driftwood LNG

Reuters reports that FERC staff has released a final environmental impact statement (EIS) for Tellurian’s proposed Driftwood LNG export terminal and interconnected pipeline in Evangeline, Acadia, Jefferson Davis, and Calcasieu Parishes, La. In the Final EIS, FERC staff concluded that the Driftwood LNG project “would result in adverse impacts on the environment; however, impacts on the environment would be reduced to less than significant levels” with avoidance and mitigation...
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DOE Releases U.S. LNG Export Data Through November 2018

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released data on exports of U.S.-produced LNG covering the period February 2016 through November 2018.  The data show that the top four recipients of U.S. LNG, comprising 58.4% of the total, are (1) South Korea, (2) Mexico, (3) China, and (4) Japan.  
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LNG Canada to Pursue Project Despite Protests Against Feeder Pipeline

Andy Calitz, CEO of LNG Canada, released a statement saying that “[d]espite opposition Coastal GasLink is currently facing, LNG Canada has every intention to continue to advance our project and maintain our construction schedule to deliver jobs and economic benefits to First Nations, local residents and British Columbians.”  Coastal GasLink is the proposed pipeline that would provide feed gas for the proposed LNG Canada liquefaction and export terminal at Kitimat, British Columbia....
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FERC Authorizes CCL to Commission Train 2 Fuel Gas System

FERC issued a letter order authorizing Corpus Christi Liquefaction (CCL) to introduce gas and commission the Train 2 fuel gas system at CCL’s liquefaction and LNG export terminal at Corpus Christi, Texas.
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ExxonMobil and Imperial Withdraw Proposed B.C. LNG Terminal Application

Reuters reports that ExxonMobil and Imperial (Oil Resources Ltd) have withdrawn their proposed West Coast Canada (WCC) LNG project in northern British Columbia (B.C.) from the environmental review process, “signaling that the project has been shelved.” According to the report, “[t]he project was being jointly reviewed by the province and Canadian environmental regulators, an assessment that had been underway since 2015, though no major documents have been filed since 2016.” The WCC project “was expected to produce around 15 million tonnes per year of LNG to serve Asian buyers, with plans for...
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DOE Changes LNG Export Destination Reporting Requirement; Proposes Interpretive Rule

The U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) announced yesterday that it has issued a policy statement under which it is discontinuing its practice, adopted in 2016, of including an “end use” reporting provision in orders authorizing the export of domestically produced natural gas, including LNG. Currently, many export authorization holders are required to track and report the country (or countries) of destination into which their exported LNG or natural gas was “received for end use.” DOE will revert to its prior practice of requiring authorization holders to report, in relevant part, the country...
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Cheniere and PETRONAS Sign 20-Year LNG SPA

Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P. announced today that its subsidiary Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC (“Sabine Pass Liquefaction”) has entered into an LNG sale and purchase agreement (“SPA”) with PETRONAS LNG Ltd. (“PLL”), a subsidiary of the Malaysian state-owned oil and gas company, PETRONAS. According to the press release, PLL has agreed to purchase approximately 1.1 million tonnes of LNG annually from Sabine Pass Liquefaction on a FOB (Free On Board) basis for a term of 20 years following the date of first commercial delivery for the sixth natural gas liquefaction at the Sabine Pass LNG...
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