Posted on Feb 28, 2019
Platts reports that Tellurian Inc., sponsor of the proposed Driftwood LNG liquefaction and export terminal project in Calcasieu Parish, La., expects to reach a final investment decision (FID) and begin construction by the end of June 2019. The project is targeted to begin LNG production in 2023.
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Posted on Feb 27, 2019
FERC has issued an order authorizing Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC to construct and operate an LNG export terminal and associated facilities along the Calcasieu Ship Channel in Cameron Parish, La., and authorizing its affiliate, TransCameron Pipeline, LLC, to construct and operate an interconnected pipeline system. The LNG export terminal is designed with a nameplate liquefaction and export capacity of 10 million metric tons per annum (MTPA), and a peak achievable capacity of 12 MTPA under optimal operating conditions. According to the press release, construction of the facilities is...
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Posted on Feb 8, 2019
Excelerate Energy announced that its Northeast Gateway deepwater terminal, located in Massachusetts Bay, 13 miles offshore of Boston, reached a historic peak send-out flow rate of more than 800,000 MMBtu/day of LNG on February 1, 2019. The Northeast Gateway terminal consists of a dual submerged turret-loading buoy system which allows for the connection of floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) that have the onboard capability to vaporize LNG and deliver natural gas directly into the existing subsea HubLine pipeline operated by Enbridge’s Algonquin Gas Transmission. According to...
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Posted on Feb 5, 2019
ExxonMobil and partner Qatar Petroleum said today they have made a final investment decision (“FID”) to proceed with development of the proposed Golden Pass LNG export project located in Sabine Pass, Texas. Construction will begin in the first quarter of 2019 and the facility is expected to start up in 2024. According to the press release, the “$10+ billion liquefaction project will have capacity to produce around 16 million tons of LNG per year. It is expected to create about 9,000 jobs over the five-year construction period and more than 200 permanent jobs during operations. Preliminary...
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Posted on Feb 1, 2019
FERC Staff has released the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for Sempra Energy’s proposed Port Arthur Liquefaction and LNG export project in Jefferson County, Texas, and interconnected pipelines (Projects). In the FEIS, “FERC staff concludes that approval of the proposed Projects, with the mitigation measures recommended in the [F]EIS, would have some adverse environmental impact; however, these impacts would be avoided or reduced to less-than-significant levels.”...
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Posted on Jan 28, 2019
Reuters reports that due to higher prices paid for U.S. LNG supplies, Europe is now the top buyer of U.S. LNG as reflected in “a near fivefold spike in U.S. LNG sales” to Europe, passing South Korea and Mexico as the top market. Prices for U.S. LNG in Asia recently “fell sharply on lower-than-expected demand.” The article states that the “United States is currently second only to Qatar, the world’s largest LNG producer, as an LNG supplier to...
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Posted on Jan 28, 2019
FERC has issued an order granting Aguirre Offshore GasPort, LLC’s (Aguirre) request that FERC vacate its 2015 order authorizing the construction and operation of LNG import terminal facilities along the southern shore of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico near the municipality of Salinas. In its request to vacate, Aguirre stated that it no longer intends to proceed with the project, that no construction has been undertaken, and that no facilities are in...
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