Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Venture Global Starts Construction at Calcasieu LNG Plant

Reuters reports that Venture Global LNG Inc. has started construction at its Venture Global Calcasieu Pass LNG liquefaction and export terminal along the Calcasieu Ship Channel in Cameron Parish, La. The Calcasieu Pass facility is designed to produce about 10 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG, or about 1.3 Bcf/d of natural gas.
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Total and Tellurian Sign LNG Agreements

Total S.A. announced that it has signed a series of agreements with Tellurian, Inc. “strengthening the partnership between the two companies to develop the Driftwood LNG project” located in Calcasieu Parish, La. According to the press release, the agreements include: • A Heads of Agreement (HoA) upon which Total will invest in Driftwood Holdings and will offtake 2.5 million tons per annum (mtpa) of LNG. More precisely: – Total will make a $500 million equity investment in the Driftwood LNG and purchase 1 mtpa of LNG from the proposed project; – Tellurian and Total will also enter...
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Chevron Canada Proposes to Nearly Double Size of Proposed Kitimat LNG Terminal

Reuters reports that Chevron Canada Ltd and Woodside Energy Ltd have applied to Canada’s National Energy Board for a new license for their proposed Kitimat LNG plant in northern British Columbia to nearly double the size. The proposal features a revised plant design that may include up to three LNG trains instead of two, and would produce 18 million tonnes per annum (mtpa), up from the originally proposed 10...
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FERC Releases Draft EIS for Jordan Cove Energy Project

FERC Staff has released a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas Project proposed by Jordan Cove Energy Project LP (Jordan Cove) and the interconnected Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline Project proposed by Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline L.P. (Pacific Connector) (collectively referred to as the Project). Jordan Cove requests authorization to liquefy up to 1.04 Bcf/day of natural gas per day at a proposed terminal in Coos Bay, Oregon, for export for to overseas markets. Pacific Connector proposes to construct and operate a pipeline to provide natural...
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DOE Grants Authorization for Non-FTA LNG Re-Exports from Proposed Mexican Terminals

The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) has issued an order authorizing Energía Costa Azul, S. de R.L. de C.V. (ECA) to re-export, over a 20-year period, up to 475 Bcf/yr of U.S.-sourced natural gas in the form of LNG to nations without a Free Trade Agreement with the United States (non-FTA). ECA is authorized to re-export the LNG by vessel from the proposed ECA Large-Scale Project, to be located in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. In a separate order, DOE authorized ECA to re-export, over a 20-year period, up to 161 Bcf/yr of U.S.-sourced natural gas in the form of LNG to non-FTA nations. ECA...
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NextDecade Signs LNG Contract Indexed to Brent Oil Prices

NextDecade Corp., developer of the Rio Grande LNG export project in Brownsville, Texas, announced that it has signed the first long-term contract for LNG to be exported from the United States to be indexed to Brent oil prices. According to the press release, NextDecade signed a 20-year binding sales and purchase agreement (SPA) with Shell NA LNG, LLC for the supply of two million tonnes per annum of LNG from the Rio Grande LNG project with full destination flexibility. Shell will buy LNG on a free-on-board (FOB) basis starting from commercial operation of the project, which is expected in...
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Venture Global Calcasieu Pass Permitted to Commence Site Preparation Activities

FERC has issued a notice authorizing Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC to commence full site preparation activities, with certain exceptions, for the proposed Calcasieu Pass Project along the Calcasieu Ship Channel in Cameron Parish, La.
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