Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Seeks Additional Data From Sound Energy Solutions

FERC yesterday requested new analysis of exclusion zones using local meteorological data and has asked for details regarding gas quality as well as extensive vessel transit planning from Sound Energy Solutions, the company behind the LNG terminal proposed for Long Beach, Calif. The agency also wants SES to elaborate on the advantages of importing LNG from foreign countries and provide...

Fall River City Council Submits Letter Opposing Weaver’s Cove Project

The Fall River City Council sent a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers protesting the LNG terminal proposed for the city. The letter is in response to the Army Corps’ call for public comments on the Weaver’s Cove project. “It’s one more channel that they [Hess LNG] need to go through to get this approved, and we want people to realize we are not in favor...

USCG Proposes New Rules for LNG Tankers at Elba Island

On Monday, January 23, the US Coast Guard proposed new regulations to address LNG facility and vessel requirements on the Savannah River, explaining that “the current regulation is no longer adequate,” in light of the completion of two new berths at Elba Island in late 2005. Intended to better accommodate vessel traffic while increasing security, the proposed rule allows...

Editorial: LNG Protests Promote Energy Shortfall

Saturday’s Boston Herald editorial criticizes politicians and environmental groups for their efforts to obstruct the Weaver’s Cove project, in light of rising gas prices. Opponents of the terminal have threatened legal action in the days since FERC upheld their order approving the plan. [Access to archived articles requires a...

Coast Guard Rejects Fall River’s Request for Exclusion Zones

The Coast Guard has rejected the request of Fall River, Massachusetts to issue regulations establishing thermal and vapor dispersion exclusion zones for marine spills of LNG.  Noting that other similar industries do not use exclusion zones as tools to minimize risks and a one-size-fits-all solution is inappropriate, the Coast Guard emphasized the importance of the new Navigation and...

Pilot Says LNG Vessels Can Be Steered Safely

In response to a press release from Downeast LNG, which attached a letter of support from Quoddy Bay pilots, one harbor pilot says that although LNG “ships can come and go safely if it’s done at the right time and tide,” he does not endorse Downeast LNG or any other LNG project. Read more in yesterday’s Saint Croix...

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