Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Army Corps of Engineers Seeks FERC’s Input on Weaver’s Cove Modification

In a letter dated March 17, the Army Corps of Engineers asks for FERC’s input regarding Weaver’s Cove Energy’s revised plan to transport LNG to its proposed LNG terminal in Fall River, Mass. and determine whether the existing EIS is adequate. “We are specifically requesting that the FERC review the revised operational plan for ship transit, evaluate the effects...

Coast Guard Expresses Concerns About Vessel Maneuverability

Saturday’s Herald News reported that the U.S. Coast Guard has raised concerns about Hess LNG’s revamped proposal to transport LNG using smaller tankers to its proposed Weaver’s Cove terminal. In a letter dated March 13, Capt. Roy A. Nash states that “extraordinary maneuvers are required to navigate the waterway segment between the old and new Brightman Street...

Legislator Proposes Bill to Block LNG Transit in Narragansett Bay

Rhode Island State Rep. Raymond E. Gallison Jr. has introduced legislation for the second consecutive year that would prevent LNG vessels from transiting the Narragansett Bay in an effort to stop the proposed Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal. The bill requires transiting tankers to maintain a distance of 1.5 miles away from residential areas and urban infrastructure, and establishes...

Downeast LNG Says It Will Comply

Downeast LNG representatives denied Save Passamaquoddy Bay’s allegations that the proposed terminal will not comply with SIGTTO standards, affirmatively stating that the terminal design would in fact comply.  Downeast President Dean Girdis also responded.  “I don’t know the law per se. My understanding is that SIGTTO refers to tankers and not terminals,” said...

FERC Asks for Deadline Postponement in Weaver’s Cove Appeal

On Tuesday FERC moved to postpone the deadline by which it must file the official record of the Hess LNG proceeding in Weaver’s Cove opponents’ appeal to the First Circuit. FERC wants time to consider requests to reopen the Weaver’s Cove review on the grounds that new plans for more frequent deliveries significantly alter the project. “We wanted it in effect to...

Save Passamaquoddy Bay Files Comments With FERC

Robert Godfrey, a member of Save Passamaquoddy Bay, filed comments yesterday with FERC alleging that the Quoddy Bay and Downeast LNG proposals do not comply with standards of the Society of International Gas Terminal and Tanker Operators (SIGTTO). According to Godfrey, the projects fail to meet several SIGTTO guidelines, including those regarding jetty and ship dockage within the...

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