Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Massachusetts Senators Prevent Attempt to Remove Brightman Street Bridge

Sens. Edward Kennedy and John Kerry have blocked an attempt by Senate Republicans  to raze the Brightman Street Bridge, according to the Associated Press.  Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced language in a heating assistance bill that would have nullified a provision in a federal transportation statute that prevents destruction of the bridge. Demolition of the bridge is necessary to...

Hoegh and Mitsui Order Onboard Regas Vessels

Norway’s Hoegh LNG and Japan’s Mitsui O.S.K. Lines together have agreed to purchase two onboard regasification vessels from South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries, and may order a third ship as well. Suez Energy will use the vessels on a long-term charter to transport LNG to its planned Neptune LNG facility offshore Boston. Hoegh says that there “will always be...

KeySpan Appeals FERC Decision

The Providence Journal today reports that on March 17 KeySpan LNG appealed FERC’s rejection of the KeySpan terminal application. The appeal, filed in the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, may impact the Weaver’s Cove terminal proposal. In an April 3 letter to the U.S. Coast Guard, posted by FERC yesterday, KeySpan informs the Coast Guard of its appeal and urges it...

LNG Spot Market May Raise Shipping Issues

A speaker at a London Shipping Law Centre seminar said that the trend toward an LNG spot market – and away from long-term relationships between vessel owners and charterers – may create more dispute over scheduling and other charter terms. Details are in today’s Lloyd’s List. [Subscription...

LNG Experts Discuss Shipping

Lloyd’s List reports on last week’s London Shipping Law Centre seminar, where industry experts discussed challenges facing the industry in light of the rapidly expanding LNG fleet.  According to a representative of Golar Management, the trend away from long term contracts is reducing the contracting power of vessel owners, resulting in increased pressure to reduce operating...

New Reliquefaction Technology Aboard Future LNG Ships

Today’s World Gas Intelligence reports on reliquefaction equipment to be incorporated into a new fleet of 20 Q-Flex LNG vessels. The new technology captures LNG that would otherwise boil off during transit — a loss that WGI says could amount to 3% of the cargo over a three-week journey from Qatar to the United States. Over the course of 2006 and 2007, Hamworthy PLC will...

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