Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Sigtto Confronts Challenges Faced by LNG Shipping Industry

A rapidly expanding LNG shipping sector has presented the Society of Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators (Sigtto) with new challenges, such as maintaining “the enviable safety and reliability record” of the LNG industry, says Mark Ross, current president of Sigtto and general manager of Chevron. “Due in part to unprecedented growth that the industry is experiencing,...

Coast Guard Says Waterways for Chevron’s Bayou Casotte Suitable for LNG

The USCG has completed a review of the Waterway Suitability Assessment (WSA) for the proposed LNG terminal at Casotte Landing and finds “the Pascagoula Bar, Horn Island Pass, Lower Pascagoula and Bayou Casotte Channels are suitable for the LNG marine traffic associated with the project.” The WSA was completed February 24, and posted on FERC’s website today. The Coast...

Demand for Onboard LNG Regas Units Increases

World Gas Intelligence today reports on the growing demand for LNG vessels with onboard regasification capability, despite the relatively small number of terminals that demand onboard regas. Shipping companies such as Belgium’s Exmar and Norway’s Hoegh LNG each have ordered two regasification units, with Hoegh considering a third. Exmar’s Rodney Hyne-Jones attributes...

Vessel Pilot Says LNG Tankers Can Transit Head Harbour Passage

In an effort to counter claims that LNG tankers cannot safely transit Head Harbour Passage, a pilot from Perry, Maine has extended an invitation to Canadian officials to “see the passage from the bridge of a ship.” Jerry Morrison of Eastport Pilots USA says that the channel is wide and deep enough to accommodate large vessels, and that his pilot group can safely pilot LNG...

FERC Denies Request to Reopen Weaver’s Cove Record

Today FERC denied motions to reopen the record of the previously approved Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal.  The requests filed by the Conservation Law Foundation, Save the Bay, and an individual citizen argued that Weaver’s Cove’s decision to use smaller vessels in response to a federal law that prevented the Brightman Street Bridge from being removed materially changed...

Mass. Legislators Call for Stricter Requirements for Tugboats in Boston Harbor

The Boston Globe reports that Mass. State Senators Jarrett Barrios and Bruce Tarr are calling for background checks and training for tugboat operators and docking pilots in the Boston Harbor.  The renewed call for regulations came after a vessel carrying rock salt almost collided with a pier last week near the Everett LNG terminal.  Tugboats regularly assist in the docking of vessels...

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