Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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200th LNG Vessel Comes Online

Ocean Resources reports that the LNG shipping industry in April brought into service its 200th vessel, citing a recent newsletter issued by the LNG World Shipping Journal. It took eight years for the fleet to double to 200 carriers, but according to the newsletter, the fleet could reach the 300-ship mark in slightly more than two...

Qatar Gas Orders World’s Largest LNG Vessels

According to Industry Week and Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections, Qatar Gas Transport Company has ordered six new LNG vessels with capacity of 265,000 cubic meters each.  Each vessel will cost approximately $300 million, and will use diesel engines and onboard reliquefaction technology.  Qatar Gas Transport will own the vessels, and Qatar Liquefied Gas Company...

Rhode Island Officers to Assist Coast Guard

Rhode Island has signed an agreement with the U.S. Coast Guard authorizing state and local law enforcement officers to enforce federal law on vessels in security zones established by the Coast Guard. The Providence Journal reports that anti-LNG activists are concerned the agreement will undermine Rhode Island and Massachusetts state agency claims that they cannot provide sufficient...

LNG Shipping Industry Faces Crew Shortage

Lloyd’s List reports that the 130 LNG vessels on order, plus an estimated 70 vessels likely to be ordered in the next two years, will necessitate an additional 5,000 qualified officers. That number, which would represent a 100% increase in the existing pool of LNG vessel officers, does not include replacement of current officers who retire. The article has further details....

Rhode Island House Approves Exclusion Zones Around LNG Vessels

The Providence Journal reports that legislation that would regulate LNG vessel transit through Narragansett Bay cleared the state House on Wednesday. The bill creates an exclusion zone that would prohibit LNG vessels from transiting near residential areas and certain infrastructure. “We have to protect the people and the other assets of the state of Rhode Island,” said...

Legislation Proposed to Rescind Weaver’s Cove Provision

Sen. Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.) on Friday, May 5, introduced legislation that would remove the provision included in the 2005 federal transportation bill that maintains the old Brightman Street Bridge over the Taunton River in Fall River. Massachusetts legislators had inserted the provision last summer in an effort to stop the Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal project. The measure is a part...

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