Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Growing LNG Fleet Expected to Increase Spot Market Opportunities

A rapidly expanding and evolving LNG fleet should prompt an increase in LNG spot market transactions, according to Bob Salmon, the general manager for shipping at Shell Trading. Speaking at the 2006 API Tanker Conference in San Diego, Salmon said that new tankers with significantly expanded capacity,and the doubling of the existing fleet over the next ten years, “will help to...

U.S.-Built LNG Vessels Unlikely Despite Bill

A provision in the 2006 Coast Guard authorization bill would favor offshore LNG terminals that anticipate receiving U.S.-flagged vessels; the bill also requires Coast Guard to provide vessel flag information to FERC for use in its terminal approval process. According to yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily, the provision is not expected to result in the development of U.S.-flagged LNG...

Expanding LNG Shipping Industry Needs Additional Trained Crew Members

Professor Yea Byeon-Deok of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) told a conference in Australia that “a chronic shortage of experienced crew ” creates safety concerns. Yea said that 3,575 officers would be needed to accommodate new vessels over the next three years.Hisashi Yamamoto of IAMU raised similar concerns at the 2006 World Gas Conference in...

USCG Denies Request to Release Parts of Bradwood WSA

The Oregonian reported yesterday that the U.S. Coast Guard has denied a request for disclosure of the Waterway Suitability Assessment report filed by NorthernStar in connection with its proposed Bradwood LNG terminal, suggesting its release “could compromise national security.”  Coast Guard Lt. Shadrack Scheirman, chief of port operations in Portland, explained, “[w]e...

In Depth: Report from the World Gas Conference in Amsterdam

During a panel discussion on LNG safety and technology developments on Wednesday, June 7, Bruno Larsen of Höegh LNG provided an overview of LNG safety issues. He specifically identified steps taken by the industry to improve the safety of LNG, including: the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), by which all 148 signatory nations to the Safety of Life at Sea...

Locals Voice Concern Over Sparrows Point Terminal

Last night, critics of AES’ proposed LNG terminal expressed their apprehensions to political and regulatory officials at a meeting held in Sparrows Point, Md. Among residents’ concerns were the potential impacts the regasification facility might have on public safety, air quality, and vessel traffic in the Chesapeake Bay. Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. attended the meeting and...

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