Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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New Vessel Could Carry LNG, LPG and Other Gases

A Dutch shipping company has ordered a new type of vessel that could transport several different types of gases, including LNG.  The vessel will be smaller than most LNG vessels and is designed for regional transit; completion is expected in 2008.  Lloyds List has the details.  [Subscription...

WA Ports Express Concern Over Proposed Bradwood Landing

Asserting that LNG exclusion zones “would wreak havoc on shipping in the Columbia River,” and the proposed LNG terminal “would have a drastic and widespread impact on all ports and communities that depend on … the Columbia River,” the Ports of Kalama and Vancouver, Washington, recently filed comments with FERC expressing significant concerns over the...

President Bush Signs Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006

Marine Link reports that President Bush has signed the Coast Guard and Maritime Transporatation Act of 2006, which includes provisions that encourage LNG developers’ use of U.S.-flagged LNG...

USCG: San Pedro Bay Suitable for Vessel Transit to Long Beach Terminal

After reviewing the Waterway Suitability Assessment for Sound Energy Solutions’ LNG proposal, the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port for Los Angeles and Long Beach has concluded that the San Pedro Bay can accommodate LNG vessels en route to SES’ proposed regasification terminal in Long Beach, Calif. USCGCaptain P.E. Wiedenhoeft has informed FERCthat the USCG is still awaiting...

USCG Seeks Further Analysis of Larger LNG Tankers at Elba Island Terminal

The U.S. Coast Guard has mandated that Southern LNG provide site specific analysis that addresses the use of LNG vessels larger than 148,000 m3 in order to complete a Waterway Suitability Assessment for the company’s Elba III Terminal Expansion Project. The additional information is necessary because the Sandia Report does not discuss vessel security zones and consequence ranges...

USCG Updates FERC on Review of Weaver’s Cove Project

In a letter dated June 28, Capt. Roy A. Nash, the USCG Captain of the Port for Southeastern New England, updates FERC on the status of the Coast Guard’s review of the revamped Weaver’s Cove LNG project, which reflects the company’s intent to use smaller LNG tankers in an attempt to navigate under the existing Brightman Street Bridge. He affirms that the USCG will evaluate navigation...

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