Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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LNG Shipping Overcapacity May Wane After Projects Come Online

Speaking at an LNG finance forum in London, the general manager of Mitsui OSK Lines said that the sizable LNG projects scheduled to begin operations between 2008 and 2010 may resolve the LNG shipping overcapacity situation that is likely to exist until 2008. Read more in Lloyd’s List. [Subscription...

“Significant Progress” Made on Crown Landing Vessel Transit Management Plan

In a letter submitted to FERC on September 14, BP’s Crown Landing LLC provided an update regarding the development of a Vessel Transit Management Plan (TMP) for its proposed LNG terminal on the Delaware River.  According to the letter, “significant progress” has been made by the TMP Development Committee, which was established by the Coast Guard Captain of the Port...

Opening Bids for New Brightman Bridge Delayed

The Herald News reports on chronic delays in the opening of bids for the construction of a new bridge to replace the deteriorating old Brightman Street Bridge. The postponement is “significant” for opponents of the Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal, who want to preserve the old Brightman Street Bridge as a way to stop the project, according to Southeastern Regional Planning...

Weaver’s Cove CEO Discusses LNG Proposal in Jamestown

Weaver’s Cove Energy CEO Gordon Shearer met with the Jamestown, Rhode Island town council and residents on Aug. 30 to discuss the company’s proposed terminal in Fall River, Mass. Concerns raised by Council members included whether the U.S. Coast Guard and local public safety officials have adequate resources to oversee the safe transit of LNG vessels. According to The...

LNG Transferred For First Time Commercially Between Excelerate Energy’s Carriers

Today’s edition of Oil Daily reports that Excelerate Energy has completed its first ship-to-ship transfer of LNG last week in international waters near the Gulf of Mexico.  The effort filled one of Excelerate’s ships to its maximum capacity and was intended to reduce the amount of boil-off from the tanks. [Subscription...

New Development in LNG Transport Technology

Lloyd’s List today reports on a new type of gas transportation vessel, developed by SeaOne Maritime, that proposes to deliver natural gas at lower costs than current LNG methods. “The production or conditioned gas is transported in ocean-going gas carriers in a liquefied form, termed compressed gas liquid,” SeaOne president Bruce Hall explained. The compressed gas...

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