Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Fishermen Divided Over Passamaquoddy Bay LNG Terminals

The Bangor Daily News reports that some Passamaquoddy Bay fishermen are concerned that LNG vessels may scare away fish and that the safety and security zones surrounding the vessels may exclude fishermen from certain fishing grounds. According to one fisherman, Downeast LNG, the developer behind one of two terminals proposed for the Bay, promised to compensate him for any financial...

Louisiana Representative Urges Dredging of Calcasieu River Ship Channel to Accommodate LNG Shipments

U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) will seek additional federal funds to deepen and widen the Calcasieu River Ship Channel, which he said is critical to Louisiana’s economy and U.S. energy security. Current dimensions of the channel prevent the passage of some large vessels. “We need to get the channel back to its original specifications,” Boustany said last Thursday...

CLNG Calls Rhode Island’s LNG Vessel Transit Law Unconstitutional

The Center for Liquefied Natural Gas (CLNG) calls unconstitutional a Rhode Island law that would create exclusion zones designed to prevent LNG vessel transit to the planned Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal site. “The U.S. Constitution dictates that the state cannot legislate in an area in which Congress intends to regulate,” said Bill Cooper, CLNG’s executive...

Weaver’s Cove Opponents Criticize U.S. Coast Guard at Meeting

Last night’s U.S. Coast Guard hearing on codification of vessel maneuvers through the Brightman Street bridge in Massachusetts turned into a demonstration against the Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal. Opponents of the terminal project accused the Coast Guard of pandering to the energy industry and neglecting public safety responsibilities: “It’s past time that the...

Plans for Jordan Cove LNG to Share Turning Basin

The World is reporting that officials at the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay are hoping to build a general cargo dock to share the turning basin of the proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal. The plan contemplates the development of three berths capable of accommodating post-Panamax vessels too large to fit in Oregon’s other ports. [Access to archived articles requires a...

Group Formed in Support of Old Brightman Street Bridge

The Herald News today reports on a new group formed to increase public awareness regarding the fate of the old Brightman Street Bridge. The Friends of the Historic Brightman Street Bridge includes members of the Coalition for the Responsible Siting of LNG Facilities, an organization opposed to the Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal. Opponents of the terminal are trying to preserve the...

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