Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Judge Issues Temporary Injunction for Sparrows Point Dredging Activities

The Baltimore Sun reports that a Baltimore County Circuit Court judge yesterday ordered Barletta Willis LLC, the owner of the Sparrows Point shipyard, to halt for 10 days dredging activities in the Patapsco River ship channel. Claiming that toxins embedded in the river sediment will harm the environment if disturbed, the Greater Dundalk Alliance’s LNG opposition team sought the...

Local Residents Accuse NorthernStar of Deception

Bradwood Landing developer NorthernStar Natural Gas is facing criticism for a recently distributed brochure, which contains a map omitting certain islands LNG vessels would pass on their way to the proposed facility. The brochures “do not reflect the dangers of the sandbars and islands in the river that these ships have to negotiate,” a Longview, Wash., resident...

Weaver’s Cove Critics Oppose Permit Applications

During a public hearing convened last night by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, local residents and politicians voiced their opposition to requests by Weaver’s Cove Energy and Mill River Pipeline, LLC to permit channel dredging and construction of the FERC-approved Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal and an associated gas pipeline. Some attendees expressed...

Massachusetts DEP to Host Public Hearing on Weaver’s Cove Project

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection tonight will hold a public hearing in Swansea to discuss construction projects associated with the FERC-approved Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal in Fall River, Mass. According to DEP spokesman Ed Coletta, Weaver’s Cove Energy is seeking permits necessary to construct and maintain the LNG terminal and associated natural gas...

Weaver’s Cove Opponents Attack Dredging Proposal

Opponents of the Weaver’s Cove project last night urged the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) to reject a plan to dredge Mount Hope Bay to accommodate LNG vessels en route to the planned Weaver’s Cove LNG terminal in Fall River, Mass. According to The Providence Journal, attendees expressed concern that the proposed dredging would harm aquatic...

U.S. and Canadian Disagreement Over Proposed LNG Vessel Transit Continues

The Financial Post discusses the continuing disagreement between U.S. and Canadian officials concerning the use of Canadian waters to transport LNG to import terminals proposed for the Maine-side of Passamaquoddy...

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