Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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U.S. Unlikely to Establish LNG Shipbuilding Market

According to Bill Cooper, president of the Center for LNG, the United States is unlikely to compete in the LNG shipping business in the near future. Cooper indicated that one of the barriers to U.S. buyers participating in the global LNG market is public utility commissions’ historic aversion to long-term contracts. Platts LNG Daily has the story. [Subscription required] [This...

USCG Adopts Interim Rule on Mooring at Elba Island Terminal

The U.S. Coast Guard has published an interim rule establishing towing vessel requirements for the three potential mooring arrangements available to LNG ships visiting the Elba Island LNG terminal. Although the interim rule goes into effect Feb. 20, the agency is accepting comments until March 20. Friday’s edition of the Federal Register has further...

Op-ed: Facts Should Shape Opinions Regarding LNG

Two ship pilots from Eastport, Maine challenge the accuracy of claims made by a Robbinston resident regarding marine issues associated with the proposed development of the proposed Quoddy Bay LNG and Downeast LNG terminals. The pilots’ op-ed is published by The Bangor Daily...

MARAD Seeks Public Comments on Use of U.S. Vessels and Mariners to Transport LNG

According to a notice in today’s Federal Register, the Maritime Administration is soliciting public comments on the use of U.S. vessels and mariners in the transport of LNG through the nation’s offshore deepwater port receiving facilities. Comments are due by Feb. 16 and should reference Docket No. 26841 in the DOT Docket Management...

Op-ed: NorthernStar Not Straightforward About Project Specifics

An Astoria, Ore., resident says NorthernStar Natural Gas is not being forthright with the public regarding its proposed LNG terminal in Bradwood, Ore. She complains that NorthernStar is trying to divert attention from the possible impacts on the environment and salmon habitat from dredging operations and from ballast water intake by LNG tankers.  She raises concern regarding the width...

In Depth: Suez LNG and MARAD Announce Initiative to Put U.S. Mariners on LNG Vessels

In a joint press conference call today attended by LNGLawBlog, Suez LNG NA LLC (“Suez”) and the U.S. Maritime Administration (“MARAD”) announced a first-of-its-kind initiative to employ U.S.-licensed mariners and to train U.S. mariner cadets on Suez’s fleet of LNG vessels. Joseph McKechnie, Senior Vice President of Suez Shipping, highlighted his...

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