Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Editorial: LNG Vessel Transit Would Endanger U.S. and Canada

The Globe and Mail says that the solution to the United States’ energy needs should not involve the transit of LNG vessels through Head Harbour Passage to proposed LNG import facilities in Maine. The paper argues that such a proposal could “endanger the fragile security of both nations.”  [Subscription...

Canadian Government Opposes LNG Vessel Transit in Head Harbor Passage

The Canadian ambassador to the United States has informed FERC that his government formally has decided to oppose LNG vessel transit through Canadian waters en route to the proposed Downeast and Quoddy Bay LNG terminals in Maine. In a letter dated yesterday, Michael Wilson asserted that, based on the results of a navigational safety and environmental study commissioned by the Canadian...

Op-ed: LNG Transport Is Safe

A retired mariner with 51 years of experience supports Broadwater Energy’s proposed LNG terminal in Long Island Sound, saying that the safety record of LNG transport is “virtually unparalleled” and the environmental risks posed by LNG vessels destined for the terminal are no greater than those posed by other ships in the Sound. Lloyd’s List has his op-ed....

AES Plans Recycling Plant for Dredged Material

AES Corp. has announced a plan to build a recycling plant that would handle sediment dredged as part of the construction of its proposed Sparrows Point LNG terminal. The move is in response  to concerns from officials at the Port of Baltimore that there may not be enough places to store material dredged from shipping channels. According to The Baltimore Business Journal, the company...

NorthernStar CEO Discusses LNG Vessel Transit

During a meeting on Monday with the Astoria Rotary Club, NorthernStar Natural Gas’ chief executive officer William “Si” Garrett commented on his company’s expectations regarding the U.S. Coast Guard’s Waterway Suitability Assessment for the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal. Garrett said that his company expects the federal agency to find that the LNG...

Massachusetts Gov. Patrick Calls for U.S.-Certified LNG Vessel Crews

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has joined other state officials in the call to require U.S.-certified crews to operate LNG tankers in state waters. “The safe and secure transportation of liquefied natural gas is critical to the well-being of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,” Patrick said in a Feb. 5 letter to U.S. Maritime Administrator Sean T....

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