Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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First LNG Cargo En Route to Sabine Pass LNG Terminal

The Houston Business Journal reports that the LNG vessel Celestine River is en route from Nigeria to the Sabine Pass LNG terminal with the terminal’s initial cool-down cargo. The vessel is expected to arrive on or around April...

Northeast Gateway Seeking Extension of Incidental Harassment Authorization for Marine Mammals

NOAA announced in yesterday’s Federal Register that Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge and Algonquin Gas Transmission are seeking a one-year extension of their authorization for the incidental harassment of marine mammals associated with the operation of the Northeast Gateway LNG terminal. The National Marine Fisheries Service will propose regulations which would grant incidental...

Bloomberg: Costa Azul LNG Terminal Could Receive First Cargo Next Month

Bloomberg predicts that Sempra’s Energia Costa Azul LNG terminal will receive its commissioning vessels next month. According to Bloomberg’s AISLive ship-tracking data, the first vessel will be the 145,700 cu m Bluesky LNG carrier on April 19, with the Q-Flex Al Safliya arriving soon thereafter. A spokesperson for Sempra, however, declined to confirm the timing or identity...

Mass. DEP Rejects Weaver’s Cove LNG’s Dredging Application

The Providence Journal reports that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) last week denied a request for permission by Weaver’s Cove LNG to dredge sediment from the Taunton River. Two rulings, one from the DEP’s Bureau of Resource Protection and one from the Wetlands and Waterways Program, cited inadequate information and statements by...

Freeport LNG Files Independent Assessment for Q-Flex LNG Vessels

Yesterday Freeport LNG Development L.P. filed an independent assessment of potential thermal and vapor  hazards associated with using Q-Flex vessels to service the Freeport LNG terminal. The report, completed in June by AcuTech Consulting Group, will be treated as confidential per Freeport LNG’s request in a letter submitted with the assessment. The letter is available in the...

NATS: Repaired LNG Vessel Catalunya Spirit Back at Sea

In its LNG Week in Review, NATS reports that the Catalunya Spirit, the LNG vessel that reportedly lost propulsion off the Massachusetts coast last week, discharged its cargo at the Everett LNG terminal over the weekend, and now is back at sea. [Subscription...

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