Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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DOE Study on LNG Exports Delayed

The U.S. Department of Energy’s study on the economic effects of increased LNG exports will not be released until late summer 2012 according to a DOE spokeswoman. Pending applications for LNG exports to countries without a free trade agreement with the United States will be delayed until the Obama Administration has an opportunity to review the study results.  The spokeswoman...

Japanese Government Seeking Support from Federal Authorities in Canada, United States for LNG Trade

Platts LNG Daily reports that officials with the Japanese government hope to secure support from Canada and the United States for the export of LNG from North America to Japan. The article notes that Japan hopes to receive a waiver from the U.S. Department of Energy allowing LNG exports to Japan. [Subscription...

Bills Introduced by U.S. Representative Markey Would Prevent Alaska LNG Exports

In a press release issued this week, U.S. Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) criticized reported plans by BP, ConocoPhillips, and ExxonMobil to build a pipeline allowing for the export of Alaskan LNG. Those exports would be prohibited under two bills recently proposed in Congress by Markey. Read more in the Alaska...

FERC Nominees Testify Before Senate Committee; Senators Voice Concerns About Increased Gas Exports

Anthony T. Clark and FERC Commissioner John R. Norris, both nominated for FERC Commissioner appointments, testified yesterday before the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. According to a report in Bloomberg BNA [subscription required],  both are expected to be confirmed.  During the hearing, Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) chided FERC for being too lax in its...

Shell Exec Sees Potential Political Risks of Exporting Cheap American Gas

The Globe and Mail reports that Royal Dutch Shell PLC CFO, Simon Henry, is concerned that exporting low cost American gas to countries that compete economically with the United States could be characterized as exporting American jobs. While Shell is exploring options to take advantage of the low cost supplies, Henry wonders how long exporting gas will remain politically acceptable....

Editorial: Increased U.S. LNG Exports May Help Economy

An editorial in The Washington Post today touts the potential benefits to the U.S. economy of increasing exports of domestic LNG, stating that a reduction in the U.S. trade deficit, increased jobs, and additional tax revenue outweigh the predicted rise in domestic gas...

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