Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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White House Official Says Analysis Will Drive LNG Export Policy

Reuters reports today that Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, told an industry group that the Obama Administration was “certainly not opposed to LNG exports,” and that LNG export policy will be driven in accordance with the results of the U.S. Department of Energy’s forthcoming analysis of the environmental and economic...

B.C. Premier Hopes to Sell LNG to Asian Gas Buyers

Premier Christy Clark of British Columbia will leave later this week for an eight-day trip to Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. The Vancouver Sun reports that Premier Clark will focus on developing Asian LNG markets for her province’s natural gas. Premier Clark noted that although British Columbia represents an attractive LNG supply to Asian buyers, the global LNG market is...

Obama Discusses Increased LNG Exports to Japan

Last week, President Obama met with Japanese Prime Minister Noda and announced that they have agreed to “a new joint vision to guide our alliance,” which includes strengthening energy cooperation and discussions on expanding LNG exports from the United States to Japan.  A transcript of the President’s remarks can be found...

American Chemistry Council Chief Opposes Gas Export Limits

Concerned that government-imposed limits on gas exports could reduce production of currently-priced low cost gas for chemical manufacturers, American Chemistry Council President and CEO Cal Dooley told Platts Energy Week that his group believes that the marketplace will ensure gas supply will meet demand.  Read more in the Platts press...

Dow Chief Says U.S. Gas Exports Should Be Limited

Andrew Liveris, Chief Executive Officer of Dow Chemical Company, said in an interview with Bloomberg that U.S. exports of natural gas should be limited to 10-15 percent or less of domestic production to prevent curbing the chemical industry’s current plans for expansion amid low U.S. natural gas...

Critics and Proponents Respond to FERC Approval of Sabine Pass Export Terminal

Reacting to FERC’s approval of the Sabine Pass LNG export terminal, on one side are critics such as Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) and Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), who claim that U.S. exports of natural gas would increase domestic prices and export jobs overseas.  On the other side are proponents who tout approval of the project as key to ensuring domestic gas production and...

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