Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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West Virginia Governor Supports LNG Exports

West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin sent a letter to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Steven Chu urging DOE to approve the pending LNG export applications, citing the thousands of jobs and billions of investment dollars that the construction and operation of the proposed LNG terminals will bring to the U.S....

Industry Executives/Experts Voice Support of LNG Exports

Several energy industry executives and experts wrote in National Journal’s Energy Experts Blog in support of LNG exports in response to the question of what American policy should be on energy exports. For example, Jack Gerard, President and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute, writes that “blocking the free trade of natural gas by the enactment of protectionist...

NAM Supports LNG Exports

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) released a statement in support of LNG exports, stating that proposals that seek to limit LNG exports “would have far-reaching negative effects on the United States” and that such restrictions “limit economic opportunities and stifle job growth rather than provide a source of increased economic...

Two Former Energy Secretaries Support LNG Exports

An opinion article in the Financial Times by Bill Richardson, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary (DOE) under President Bill Clinton, and Spencer Abraham, DOE Secretary under George W. Bush, supports exports of domestically produced LNG, stating that “LNG exports can buttress US geopolitical leadership and trade, while at the same time continuing to support low domestic natural...

European LNG Headlines

Lithuania LNG Terminal Law Faces Review by Constitutional Court (Bloomberg)

Senator Lugar Proposes Free Trade Status for U.S. LNG Exports to NATO Nations

UPI reports that U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) will introduce a bill today to encourage exports of U.S. LNG to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nations by amending the Natural Gas Act to provide that applications to export LNG to NATO nations are to be considered by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under the same automatic approval process DOE uses for applications to...

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