Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Energy Official Says Halting LNG Projects Contributes to Energy Predicament

The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee yesterday said that many natural gas ventures, such as the planned Crown Landing regasification plant and the Millennium Gas Pipeline, could have brought relief to energy-starved regions but were stunted because of environmental conflicts. Today’s Platts Gas Daily has the report. [Subscription...

US Energy Policy Act Leaves Some LNG Matters Unresolved

Industry officials yesterday said at a conference that although the Energy Policy Act of 2005 codified FERC’s exclusive siting authority over onshore LNG terminals, there are other issues that were not addressed, such as incorporating different LNG supply sources into U.S. pipelines. Details are in yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily. [Subscription...

Mexico Says Natural Gas Storage Facilities Would Ease Price Volatility

A Mexican energy official says underground natural gas storage facilities in Mexico would provide increased energy security and combat the price instability attributed to Hurricane Katrina. An article published by Reuters yesterday has the story. [Free registration...

Transco Proposes Pipeline to Accommodate Cove Point Expansion

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line announced yesterday that it is offering transportation capacity on its proposed pipeline expansion to interested shippers. The new pipeline is projected to accommodate between 200,000 and 300,000 Dt/day of gas primarily to accommodate expected supply from the Cove Point Expansion. Decisions regarding the final dimension, cost, and path will be made by the...

Connecticut Raises Coastal Issues in Broadwater

The Day reports that Connecticut Governor Rell and DEP Commissioner McCarthy told FERC October 27 that the Broadwater LNG terminal, proposed for Long Island Sound, should be consistent the Connecticut’s coastal zone management laws. At this writing, the letter is not available in the FERC docket. If Connecticut successfully asserts Coastal Zone Management Act jurisdiction...

LNG Imported Cargoes Will Not Contend with Alaskan Pipeline

A gas consultant said international LNG imports will not present much competition for an Alaskan natural gas pipeline to the U.S market, according to an article posted Sunday on the website of the Alaska Journal of...

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