Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Tax Breaks Discussed at Maritimes & Northeast Open House

Municipal officials in Brewer, Maine say they welcome tax breaks that stem from an expansion proposed by Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline. At an open house held Tuesday night, the company discussed details of the project that would triple the capacity of an 850-mile pipeline system pending approval from FERC. Yesterday’s Bangor Daily News has the detailed report. [Archived...

Georgia Consumers to Receive Additional Regasified LNG via Elba Island Terminal

Southern Natural Gas Co. will arrange to deliver extra regasified LNG from the Southern LNG terminal in Elba Island to Georgia consumers to make up for the natural gas production deficits in the Gulf Coast as a result of recent hurricanes. Yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily has the report. [Subscription...

NARUC Says EPACT 2005 Urges States to Support Energy Infrastructure Initiatives

The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners on Monday said that the Energy Policy Act of 2005 calls on state regulators to promote necessary gas and electricity infrastructure improvements, and fosters more cooperation between state and federal officials to construct energy facilities that promote efficiency. Yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily has the story....

NARUC Set to Ratify Resolution Encouraging States to Support Long-Term Agreements

The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners yesterday was set to approve a resolution calling on state officials to foster attempts to guarantee lasting supply and transportation agreements. Encouragement of long-term contracts is imperative for pipelines and LNG proposals that may provide supplies to U.S. markets with rising consumer demands, according to Donald...

BG May Introduce NGLs Extraction Plant at Trunkline LNG Facility

BG may build an NGL plant at Trunkline LNG terminal in Louisiana to extract natural gas liquids such as ethane and propane from the imported liquefied natural gas, according to the company’s vice president of business development. BG hopes that the plant will tackle the issue of heavy hydrocarbons in the imported supply that are not compatible with current benchmarks for US...

Chevron Committed to Projects at All Segments of LNG Chain

Chevron intends to involve itself in all aspects of LNG ranging from production to sales, a company official said at an IQPC LNG conference this week. Among the company’s LNG initiatives are the Casotte Landing project and the Port Pelican terminal.  Port Pelican has been shelved temporarily, but the company official indicated it will be reinstated as the need for it arises....

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