Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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AES Proposes LNG Terminal for Sparrows Point, MD

The Washington Post is reporting today that AES Corp. is proposing a $400 million LNG terminal for Sparrows Point, Maryland, southeast of Baltimore.  It will be located at the former Sparrows Point shipyard, and will include a 85-mile pipeline to a natural gas distribution center near Philadelphia.  [Free registration required] The proposed location is on Mapquest here. Local Baltimore...

Weaver’s Cove Map Heightens Security Concerns

A Fall River, Mass. resident has raised concerns that an aerial map of Hess LNG’s proposed terminal provides limited details, but also that additional information on where pipelines might run is available on the Internet and might get into the wrong hands. Read more in today’s Herald...

Pipeline Project’s Economic Benefits Touted at FERC Hearing

Monday night’s environmental scoping meeting with FERC officials turned into a forum on construction issues. Representatives from Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline said the company’s proposed pipeline expansion project would accommodate natural gas consumers from Massachusetts to Maine and create local jobs, but neighbors worried about construction impacts....

Downeast LNG Seeks Permission to Initiate NEPA Pre-filing Process

On January 5, Downeast LNG submitted a request with FERC to begin the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) pre-filing process with respect to its proposed LNG terminal to be located at the confluence of Passamaquoddy Bay and the St. Croix River in Robbinston, Maine. The project will offer a natural gas sendout capacity of 500 MMcf/day and a peak of up to 625 MMcf/day, with...

Public Hearings on Pipeline Expansion Plan This Week

FERC has scheduled a series of meetings this week to address Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline’s 146-mile pipeline expansion proposal that would augment its consumer base in the northeastern United States. Today’s Bangor Daily News has the details. [Access to archived articles requires a...

Gas Market Expert Argues All-Land Pipeline Better Deal for Alaska Than LNG

The January issue of the Alaska Journal of Commerce reports on a speech by University of Alaska Professor Douglas Reynolds, in which he argues that Alaska would benefit more from an all-land pipeline from Alaska through Canada to the Lower 48 than from building a liquefaction facility at Valdez and shipping the LNG to the U.S. West Coast.  Reynolds asserts that as a result of...

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