Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline to File FERC Application for Proposed Pipeline Expansion

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has filed an application with FERC for its Maritimes Phase IV project, an expansion of its pipeline system proposed for transporting natural gas from the Canaport LNG facility in Nova Scotia to Northeastern U.S. markets. The proposal calls for the addition of 1.7 miles of pipeline in Maine, construction of five compressor stations, and design...

Plans for Sonora Pacific LNG Pipeline Postponed

Yesterday’s Platts LNG Daily reports that El Paso has suspended a plan to construct a pipeline from the proposed Sonora Pacific LNG terminal in Mexico in order to assess environmental and illegal immigration issues raised by the project. [Subscription...

LNG Suppliers Say Stricter Gas Quality Standards May Limit LNG Shipments

A coalition of LNG suppliers have filed briefings at FERC expressing concern with a FERC judge’s ruling that, if adopted by the Commission, would impose stricter gas quality standards for all LNG entering Florida Gas Transmission’s distribution system. The suppliers told the Commission that the limits may hinder U.S. ability to compete for Atlantic Basin LNG supply. Sempra...

Pipeline Setback May Impede Sonora Pacific LNG Project

Environmental concerns may complicate El Paso’s plans to construct a pipeline from the proposed Sonora Pacific LNG terminal in Puerto Libertad on the Gulf of California. The manager of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge near Tucson, Ariz., says the pipeline is unlikely to be approved as planned because current plans to route the pipeline through the refuge likely would have...

Report: Pipeline From Alaska to Chicago More Profitable Than LNG Shipments to West Coast

A plan to deliver LNG cargoes from a proposed liquefaction plant in Alaska to the West Coast would be less profitable than piping the gas to the Chicago market, a report from PFC Energy says. The study, which was commissioned by the Alaska Department of Revenue, says the liquefaction project offers a netback of $3.17/MMBtu compared to a yield of $4.69/MMBtu by the Chicago pipeline...

“Open House” Events for Sparrows Point LNG Project

AES has scheduled a series of “open house” events this week for interested parties to learn more about the company’s Sparrows Point LNG proposal, which calls for the construction of an import facility and a pipeline from Dundalk, Md. to southern Pennsylvania. The information sessions will be held at various locations along the proposed pipeline route. Today’s...

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