Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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National Energy Board: Hearings Focus on Emera’s Proposed Pipeline Route, Not Tolls

At the Canadian National Energy Board’s public hearings on Emera’s proposed Brunswick Pipeline, hearing chair Sheila Leggatt ruled that the focus of the hearings is the planned pipeline route, not the effect that lower tolls on the pipeline may have on two proposed LNG terminals in Nova Scotia. CBC News has the...

Saint John City Council Supports Land-Based Brunswick Pipeline Route

The Associated Press reports that the Saint John City Council has voted in favor of a land-based route for the proposed Brunswick Pipeline.  City councilors had reportedly previously expressed a preference for a marine route. Saint John Mayor Norm MacFarlan rejects claims that the Council’s change in position is connected to a recently-promised $5.35 million endowment from the...

Nova Scotia to Challenge Proposed Brunswick Pipeline at Hearings

The Chronicle Herald reports that Nova Scotian officials will contest Emera Inc.’s proposed Brunswick Pipeline, which would pass through New Brunswick and connect the planned Canaport LNG terminal directly to the U.S. pipeline network. Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald and other officials are reportedly concerned that lower tolls on the Brunswick Pipeline could put two LNG...

Williams Pipeline Exploring Underwater Route in Coos Bay

Williams Pipeline is exploring the possibility of building an underwater natural gas pipeline in the Coos Bay estuary following local opposition to the company’s initial plan to run the pipeline from the proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal through residential properties. The exploration activities planned for mid-November would yield minimal and temporary effects, according to...

North Bend City Council Candidates Express Views on LNG

The World provides local coverage of candidates competing for seats on the North Bend City Council during the upcoming election. None of the four candidates expressed outright opposition to the proposed Jordan Cove LNG terminal in Coos Bay, Ore., and its accompanying pipeline, but all noted their intention to further evaluate safety and environmental assessments prepared for the...

Editorial: Opposition to Islander East Pipeline May Help Broadwater Energy

In an editorial published yesterday, Newsday asserts that Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s commitment to fighting the proposed Islander East Pipeline project undermines his opposition to Broadwater Energy’s planned LNG terminal. “[S]topping Islander East would only strengthen Broadwater’s case that it can bring the region the gas it...

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