Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Amends Golden Pass Pipeline Authorization

FERC last week approved changes to Golden Pass Pipeline LP’s pipeline associated with the Golden Pass LNG terminal. “In order to meet an anticipated increase in downstream demand and to provide additional flexibility,” Golden Pass will increase the diameter of a segment of its pipeline extending from the AEP Texoma interconnection to an interconnection with...

FERC Approves Cameron’s Proposed Pipeline Modifications

FERC has determined that Cameron Interstate Pipeline LLC’s proposal to increase the diameter of the pipeline facilities from 36 inches to 42 inches, which is associated with the Cameron LNG terminal in Louisiana, will not adversely impact consumers or the environment. In an order issued December 20, the Commission also approved the company’s plan to modify its tariff to...

FERC Requests Additional Gas Quality and Interchangeability Data From Elba Express

FERC has requested that Elba Express LLC provide information regarding the gas quality and interchangeability specifications of interconnecting and competing pipelines, and explain how the company developed the specifications included in its proposed tariff provisions for the Elba Express Pipeline proposed as part of the proposed Elba Island LNG terminal expansion project. The...

FERC Releases Environmental Assessment for Modified Calypso Pipeline Proposal

Calypso U.S. Pipeline LLC’s plan to modify its original pipeline proposal would have limited environmental impacts, according to an environmental assessment released Tuesday by FERC. Under the new proposal, Calypso would build a 3.2 mile tunnel to minimize the project’s potential impact on sensitive marine resources off Florida’s coast. The company would also enlarge...

Editorial: Bahamian Government Should Approve Pipeline Projects Now

The editors of The Freeport News say that since the Bahamian government already has performed its due diligence and purportedly has decided to allow the construction of AES Corporation’s LNG pipeline from Ocean Cay to Florida, it “should stop vacillating on this issue and grant not one, but two and possibly three pipeline...

FERC Releases Environmental Assessment for Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Expansion

The proposed expansion of the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline will not have significant environmental impacts if certain mitigating measures are implemented, according to the  environmental assessment issued yesterday by FERC. The pipeline would transport regasified LNG originating from the Canaport LNG terminal, currently under construction in New Brunswick, Canada, to U.S....

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