Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Issues Final EIS for North Baja Gas Line

Platts LNG Daily [subscription required] reports that FERC has issued a favorable Final Environmental Impact Statement for the 126-mile pipeline proposed by North Baja Pipeline to connect the Energia Costa Azul LNG import terminal to California and Arizona markets. The pipeline would be built in three stages with initial operations beginning in 2007 and construction completed in 2010....

Oregon LNG Proposes Pipeline Related to LNG Terminal in Oregon

Oregon LNG has proposed a 117-mile natural gas pipeline to traverse six counties in Oregon, running from Oregon LNG’s proposed regasification terminal at the mouth of the Columbia River to a main pipeline near Molalla, Ore. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2009 and the completed pipeline would have a capacity of 1.5 Bcf/d. The Associated Press has details (via Oregon...

Alaska to Issue RFP for North Slope Pipeline

Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) signed the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act into law this week. The state expects to issue a request for proposals in July for a $30 billion pipeline that may transport gas from the North Slope to a proposed liquefaction facility in Valdez. The Act is available via the Alaska State Legislature website under HB 177. Platts LNG Daily [subscription required]...

Construction begins on Excelerate’s Northeast Gateway Terminal

The Salem News reports that Excelerate Energy has begun construction of its Northeast Gateway deepwater LNG port. Workers began laying pipe along the ocean floor that will connect to an existing gas pipeline. The $200 million terminal is scheduled to commence operations by the end of...

Canadian NEB Approves Emera Brunswick Pipeline

Finding that “the benefits associated with the Brunswick Pipeline bringing an additional and stable supply of gas into Maritime Canada are significant, real and numerous,” Canada’s National Energy Board approved the Emera Brunswick pipeline proposal designed to transport gas from the Canaport LNG terminal under construction near Saint John, New Brunswick. The...

LNG Terminals May Spur M&N Pipeline Expansion

Platts LNG Daily reports that the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline will launch an open season next week to gauge interest in a proposed expansion of its system to capture an expected increase in LNG imports after one or more terminals are constructed along the U.S. and Canadian Atlantic coasts. The open season will begin June 8 and end August...

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