Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Requests Information From Consulting Firm Regarding Potential Conflict of Interest

In a letter dated today, FERC has requested further information from the Natural Resource Group (NRG), an environmental third-party contractor for the Bradwood Landing LNG project, “as mitigation to allow the FERC to assure the public that the work is being carried out in an impartial manner.” In particular, FERC is concerned about the appearance of a conflict of interest...

Oregon LNG Extends Proposed Gas Pipeline

The Hillsboro Argus (Ore.) reports that Oregon LNG has proposed a ten-mile extension to its gas line, connecting the LNG terminal to Northwest Natural’s existing South Mist Pipeline and storage facility. Due to this design change, Oregon LNG and its pipeline operation  —  now known as Oregon Pipeline — have scheduled two informational meetings to educate the public on...

Alaskan Congressional Delegation Opposes Chinese Pipeline Proposal

All three members of Alaska’s Congressional delegation — Sens. Ted Stevens (R) and Lisa Murkowski (R), and Rep. Don Young (R) — have announced their public opposition to an Alaska Gasline Inducement Act bid by Chinese-owned Sinopec. According to Associated Press (carried via Anchorage Daily News), Sen. Stevens opposes the plan because he believes Alaskan gas should...

FERC Requests Pipeline Route Adjustment for Sparrows Point LNG Project

The Dundalk Eagle reports that FERC has requested that AES, the developer backing the Sparrows Point LNG regasification facility, adjust its proposed pipeline route from the LNG import terminal to a facility in Pennsylvania. A spokesperson for AES told the Eagle that the developer was examining this request, saying “we continue to pursue a solution that would have the least...

Local Residents Protest Three Oregon LNG Terminal Proposals and Associated Pipelines

The Oregonian reports that local residents demonstrated yesterday outside the headquarters of Northwest Natural Gas Co. in opposition to three proposed LNG import terminals and associated pipelines. According to the news report, the protestors warned of potential environmental and public safety impacts should the projects become...

Port Arthur to Hold Public Hearing on Pipeline Route from Golden Pass LNG

The Port Arthur (Tex.) City Council voted Tuesday to schedule a public hearing for January 2 on the proposed pipeline that will transport regasified LNG from the Golden Pass terminal to Calcasieu Parish, La. The hearing will focus on the segment of the pipeline that will pass through Port Arthur. See the Beaumont Enterprise for additional...

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