Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Downeast Files Amendment to Modify Pipeline Route

Downeast Pipeline LLC has filed to amend its pending FERC application for the Downeast LNG project to modify its planned pipeline route. The amendment is in response to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s rejection of Downeast’s request to cross the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge with a portion of the pipeline. The new proposed pipeline route avoids crossing the...

Canadian Firm Makes Gas Discovery Offshore Tobago

Citing an anonymous industry source, Platts LNG Daily [subscription required] reports that Petro-Canada has made a gas discovery offshore Tobago with possible reserves of nearly 1 Tcf. Petro-Canada has plans for developing a series of gas wells off Tobago’s north...

Qatar’s Deputy Premier: Golden Pass Terminal Will be Operational in 2009

According to Qatar’s Deputy Premier Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, the Golden Pass LNG regasification terminal being constructed in Sabine Pass, Texas, will be operational in mid-2009. Al-Attiyah, also the President of Qatar Petroleum, the largest stakeholder in Golden Pass, added that “Within two or three years we will meet a third of the gas imports to the U.S.” The...

AGPA Asks Alaska to Reconsider Its Proposal

Platts LNG Daily [subscription required] reports that the Alaska Gasline Port Authority (AGPA) has requested that the state of Alaska reconsider its application to build a natural gas pipeline to a proposed liquefaction plant in Valdez. The AGPA proposal was one of four rejected by the...

Pipeline Company Says Current Infrastructure Inadequate for Oregon LNG Capacity

Williams Northwest Pipeline submitted a letter to FERC claiming that existing pipeline capacity in the Molalla area cannot receive the 1.5 Bcf/d of natural gas proposed by the Oregon LNG project. Oregon LNG CEO Peter Hansen told the Hillsboro Argus (Ore.) that the filing was not surprising and that his company is “certainly well aware of the limitations of the existing and...

FERC to Hold Technical Conference Today on Sparrows Point LNG

FERC will convene a technical conference today regarding AES’ proposed Sparrows Point LNG terminal and pipeline, focusing on the plan to construct a portion of the pipeline in the right of way of  Baltimore Gas & Electric. Today’s Federal Register provides additional...

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