Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Port Dolphin to Survey Proposed Gas Pipeline Route

The Herald Tribune (Sarasota, Fla.) reports that Port Dolphin Energy is planning to survey and sample the ocean floor along its proposed pipeline route connecting a proposed LNG deepwater port to the mainland near Tampa...

Repairs Made To Damaged Gas Pipeline Near Cove Point LNG Terminal

The Washington Post provides details on Dominion’s efforts to repair a natural gas pipeline near the Cove Point LNG facility. The existing pipeline experienced minor damage during construction of a new pipeline extension associated with the expansion of the Cove Point LNG...

Poll: 77% of Saint John-area Residents Not Disturbed by Gas Pipeline Construction

A poll commissioned by the Telegraph-Journal (Saint John, N.B.) found that 77% of residents in and around Saint John, New Brunswick, say that they have not been disturbed by the construction of the Brunswick Pipeline, a gas pipeline associated with the Canaport LNG...

Oregon Vintners Oppose Gas Pipelines Associated with LNG Terminals

Wine Spectator reports that a number of Oregon winemakers are opposing two natural gas pipeline projects that, as currently proposed, may affect their grapevines. The piece says that the vintners are concerned that the projects may have economic and environmental effects on their winemaking...

Construction of Pipeline From Canaport LNG Terminal Disturbs Creek

CBC News Canada reports that heavy rain has filled a creek in Saint John with sediment from a construction site for the Brunswick Pipeline, which will connect the Canaport LNG terminal to Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline.  The company says that it is working to mitigate any harm, including adding silt fencing and finishing work in the area earlier than initially...

FERC Encourages Affected Property Owners to Comment on Sparrows Point LNG Project Pipeline

FERC has sent letters to property owners who may be affected by the construction of the proposed pipeline associated with the Sparrows Point LNG project. The letters encourage property owners to provide the Commission with comments, particularly about environmental concerns, on the natural gas pipeline proposal. A copy of the Commission’s letter to property owners is available in...

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