Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Approves Onshore Facilities Associated with Port Dolphin LNG Deepwater Port

Yesterday FERC released an order issuing certificates, subject to a number of environmental conditions, for the onshore pipeline facilities associated with the Port Dolphin LNG deepwater port. The onshore facilities will include a 3.93-mile natural gas pipeline and an interconnection with the Gulfstream Natural Gas and Tampa Electric Co. interstate pipeline systems. The authorization...

Downeast LNG Responds to FERC’s Information Request

Downeast LNG submitted a response to FERC’s request for information regarding the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline (M&NE). FERC requested Downeast LNG’s plans for delivering imported gas to market should M&NE decide not to expand its system to accommodate the proposed terminal. Downeast LNG responded that LNG importers could rely on interruptible capacity,...

European LNG Headlines

European Court of Human Rights Requests British Government Release Risk Assessments Performed Before Construction of LNG Terminals (The Guardian) Polish Gas Operator Plans for LNG Inflows (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription...

FERC Requests Information From Downeast LNG Regarding Pipeline Operations

On Friday FERC sent a request for further information to Downeast Pipeline, LLC. In its letter, FERC Staff states that “Downeast has not addressed what steps would be taken in the event that Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline does not seek Commission approval” for an expansion.  FERC Staff requests that Downeast Pipeline describe within 20 days the “operational...

AGL Completes Pipeline Connection with Elba Island LNG Terminal

AGL Resources has completed its Magnolia Pipeline Project, connecting the utility’s service territory with the Elba Island LNG import terminal. A company spokesperson told the Savannah Morning News that the pipeline is expected to supply natural gas to AGL’s customers in the event that U.S. Gulf Coast supplies are...

FERC Rejects WGL’s Protest in Transco Interconnection Proceeding

Stating that Washington Gas Light Company’s (WGL) protest of a planned interconnection on Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company’s mainline that will permit delivery of regasified LNG from the Elba Island LNG terminal expansion had “no merit,” FERC reaffirmed its previous determination in the Cove Point LNG terminal expansion proceeding that the potential leaks...

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