Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Elba Island LNG Terminal Expansion, Elba Express Pipeline Placed In Service

El Paso Corp. announced yesterday that it has placed the Elba Island LNG Terminal Expansion and Elba Express natural gas pipeline in service. The company says that the three new vaporizer units that were part of the expansion have raised the facility’s sendout capacity to 1.75 Bcf/d. A new storage tank, also part of the expansion, will be placed in service this summer. Reuters...

FERC Approves Waiver on Tying, Capacity Release Arrangements Between Statoil and Gazprom at Cove Point LNG

Today FERC granted a waiver of its prohibition on tying and certain capacity release requirements sought by Statoil Natural Gas LLC and Gazprom Marketing and Trading USA, Inc. The parties sought the waiver to allow a release to Gazprom of Statoil’s open access transportation capacity on the Cove Point sendout pipeline, as well as capacity on the Dominion Transmission, Inc....

European LNG Headlines

Possible Strike at U.K.’s Milford Haven Port May Impact LNG, Other Tankers (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription required] Nord Stream Plan Wins Final Finnish Approval: Source (Reuters) Enel Plans to Start Building Italian Terminal in Second Half of Year (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription...

County Commissioners Decline to Hear Appeal on Pipeline Associated with Jordan Cove LNG Project

County commissioners for Douglas County, Ore., declined to hear an appeal by opponents of a natural gas pipeline that would connect with the Jordan Cove LNG regasification terminal. According to the News-Review, opponents can now take their appeal directly to the Oregon Land Use Board of...

Calais LNG Files Application with FERC

This month Calais LNG reportedly filed an application to construct and operate an LNG import terminal near Calais, Maine. Although the application for the LNG terminal is not yet available from FERC, an application to construct and operate the natural gas pipeline associated with the Calais LNG project is available in the eLibrary under Docket No. CP10-31. Platts LNG Daily...

European LNG Headlines

Two LNG Tankers to Arrive at South Hook LNG Terminal This Week (Wall Street Journal) Remaining Investors in Croatia’s Adria LNG Divide RWE’s Stake (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription required] Italy’s Edison Criticizes Tuscany’s Opinion Against Planned Terminal (Platts LNG Daily) [Subscription required] Shannon LNG Project Gets Pipeline Approval (Platts LNG Daily)...

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