Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Alaska Governor Endorses LNG Exports of North Slope Gas

Governor Sean Parnell (R-Alaska) has endorsed a proposal that would export North Slope natural gas as LNG to gas consuming markets in Asia. Reuters reports that Gov. Parnell supports the LNG export plan over a pipeline project that would transport North Slope gas to the Lower 48 States via...

Opponents of Jordan Cove LNG Proposal Say Position Unchanged as Project Contemplates LNG Exports

A representative for Citizens Against LNG told The World (Coos Bay, Ore.) that the group remains opposed to the Jordan Cove LNG project as project developers contemplate switching their project from LNG imports to LNG...

Enbridge CEO: Kitimat LNG “Preferred” LNG Export Project

Speaking yesterday with Reuters, Enbridge Inc. CEO Patrick Daniel described construction of a pipeline to the planned Kitimat LNG liquefaction and export facility as “relatively straightforward” compared to other proposed LNG export sites in Western Canada. He also said that Enbridge would build a natural gas pipeline from the Horn River gas play to Canada’s west...

Enbridge Confirms Ongoing Discussions for LNG Exports

Speaking to investors in Toronto, Al Monaco of Enbridge Inc. said that his company is in discussions with potential natural gas producers for the proposed Canadian LNG export projects. Monaco confirmed that Enbridge is interested from the midstream pipeline stage all the way through the LNG liquefaction facility stage of the gas export value chain. Read more in...

Infrastructure to Support LNG Export Proposals on Canada’s West Coast Presents Challenges

Two energy industry analysts told Platts LNG Daily that they expect the infrastructure needed to support the various LNG export terminals proposed for Western Canada, particularly pipelines for gas supplies, could present significant challenges to project developers. [Subscription...

Hearing on Pacific Connector Pipeline to Focus on Environmental Impacts on Oyster Habitat

The World (Coos Bay, Ore.) reports that a hearing scheduled for today to discuss the Pacific Connector Pipeline project will focus on the potential environmental impacts of the pipeline on a local oyster habitat in Haynes Inlet. The pipeline is associated with the planned Jordan Cove LNG regasification...

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