Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Downeast LNG President Says Project Developed for “Tomorrow’s Market”

Speaking to the Maine Public Broadcasting Network, Downeast LNG President Dean Girdis said that his company’s LNG import proposal is contemplated for “tomorrow’s market” due to the long permitting and construction timeframes for LNG regasification terminals. He also noted that New England may need imported LNG to satisfy “potentially a billion cubic feet...

European LNG Headlines

Europe Re-Exports Record Volume of LNG in April (Reuters)

Brookings to Release Study on U.S. LNG Export Impacts

On May 2, in Washington, D.C., the Energy Security Initiative at Brookings will host the release of a new report “Liquid Markets: Assessing the Case for U.S. Exports of Liquefied Natural...

FERC Commissioner LaFleur Questions Length of U.S. LNG Export Advantage

FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur told an industry group last week that as the rush to build LNG export terminals continues, she wondered “how long the technological advantage that the U.S. appears to hold in unconventional gas extraction will last,” and how long it will take other countries with shale gas plays to catch up to the technology and reduce the current price advantage of...

S&P: U.S. LNG Exports Could Be Limited

An analyst for Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services believes that U.S. exports of LNG may be limited based on S&P’s expectation that the current large spread between U.S. gas and oil-linked Asian LNG prices could narrow in the future due to increased U.S. domestic demand and Canadian gas supplies flowing into Asia.  The analyst said current global prices...

Jamaica Restarts Talks with Trinidad and Tobago on LNG Supplies

Jamaica has re-engaged Trinidad and Tobago as a possible source of LNG supplies, while the status of a 2004 memorandum of understanding between the two nations regarding LNG supplies is unclear.  Read more in The...

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