Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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LNG Pricing Discussed at Tokyo LNG Conference

The Alaska Dispatch published an article reporting on a recent conference on LNG pricing held in Tokyo. Representatives from LNG consumers complained of high LNG prices and continued their push for a change from oil-linked LNG prices to ostensibly lower Henry Hub gas-linked LNG prices. One LNG producer, however, countered that Henry Hub-linked LNG prices are not necessarily lower and...

Freeport LNG Signs Tolling Agreements with Toshiba and South Korean Company

Freeport LNG Expansion, L.P. (Freeport LNG) announced that it has entered into binding 20-year Liquefaction Tolling Agreements (LTA) with Toshiba Corporation (Toshiba) and SK E&S LNG, LLC (SK), each for a base quantity of 2.2 million tons per annum, commencing upon completion of construction of the third train of Freeport LNG’s proposed export terminal on Quintana Island near...

Report on Status of Canaport LNG Import Terminal

The Globe and Mail provides a report on the status of the Canaport LNG import terminal in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. The report observes that due to U.S. shale gas production, Canaport “now operates at a small fraction of its name-plated 1.2-billion-cubic-feet-a-day capacity, with only the occasional ship docking at the...

Widened Panama Canal Will Enable U.S. LNG Supplies to Capture Asian Market Share

The Financial Post reports that widening of the Panama Canal, to be completed in 2015, will enable U.S. LNG supplies to reach Asian markets at lower costs than some potential competitors. Other factors favoring U.S. LNG supplies in the Asian market are lower development costs for U.S. LNG export terminals and the possible de-linking of U.S. LNG prices from oil...

Article Predicts Natural Gas to Become Global Market Due to LNG Exports

A column in the San Antonio Business Journal predicts that increased production of shale gas worldwide, stimulated by increased exports of LNG, will cause U.S. gas prices to rise and global gas prices to fall and meet at equilibrium in the $4-$7 per Mcf range. The article predicts that “in the same way that crude oil has become a global market, so will natural gas,” and...

New Report on North American LNG Market Released

The International Gas Union has released a report on the global LNG market throughout 2012 and through the first quarter of 2013. A special report is included on the risks associated with North American LNG export proposals. According to the Vancouver Sun, the report casts doubt on the economic feasibility of western Canadian LNG export terminal...

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