Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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“Soft” Investment Decision on Pacific Northwest LNG Project Possible this Week

The Globe and Mail reports that a “soft” investment decision on the proposed Petronas-led Pacific Northwest LNG (PNWLNG) export terminal on Lelu Island, near Prince Rupert, British Columbia could be made this week.  According to the report, PNWLNG will have the option to render a “soft” investment decision to move forward and defer consideration of environmental and First Nations...

Low LNG Prices Could Delay New LNG Export Terminal Projects

Bloomberg reports that Dave McCurdy, President of the American Gas Association, told reporters last week that the recent five-year low prices for LNG in Asia and Europe could cause delays for new LNG export terminals as they face a harder time negotiating economically viable sales and purchase contracts to support their projects....

Indian Oil Corp. Signs Agreement for Cameron LNG Supplies

The Economic Times reports that Indian Oil Corporation has signed an interim agreement for the purchase from Mitsubishi Corporation of 0.7 million tonnes/year of LNG for 20 years from the Cameron LNG project in Hackberry, La.  According to the report, the price for the LNG is indexed to the Brent crude oil price and LNG deliveries are expected to begin the first quarter of 2018....

SCT&E Signs MOU for Gas Supplies for LNG Export Terminal

SCT&E LNG announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a “sizable” U.S. upstream natural gas supplier for its proposed LNG liquefaction and export terminal project on Monkey Island, Cameron Parish, La.  According to the press release, the MOU provides enough natural gas to enable SCT&E LNG to produce 4 million tons per annum of LNG, which is one third...

Woodside Petroleum Confirms Purchase Agreement for Corpus Christi LNG Supplies

Woodside Petroleum Ltd. announced that, with the Cheniere Energy’s Final Investment Decision, the conditions precedent to its LNG sales and purchase agreement with Corpus Christi Liquefaction LLC (CCL) have been satisfied and that Woodside will purchase, on a free on board basis, approximately 0.85 million tonnes of LNG/year from the second liquefaction train at the proposed CCL...

Parallax Energy Acquires Louisiana LNG Energy LLC

The Houston Business Journal reports that Parallax Energy, 100% owner of Live Oak LNG LLC, has acquired Louisiana LNG Energy LLC (LLNGE), proponent of the Mississippi River LNG liquefaction facility and LNG export terminal on the Mississippi River, downstream from the Port of New Orleans.  LLNGE’s proposed project is currently in the pre-filing environmental review stage before FERC. ...

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