Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Cheniere Marketing International Signs Deals with Électricité de France for Sabine Pass LNG Volumes

Cheniere Marketing International LLP has entered into sales arrangements with Électricité de France, S.A. (EDF) for the delivery of 26 LNG cargoes (approximately 100 million MMBtus) from the Sabine Pass LNG terminal under construction in Cameron Parish, La. to the Dunkerque LNG terminal in France.  According to the press release, the sales price for the LNG is linked to the Dutch Title...

DOE Grants American LNG Marketing Non-FTA Export Authority; Affiliate to Supply Jamaica Plant

The U.S. Department of Energy has authorized American LNG Marketing LLC to export up to 60,000 metric tons of domestically-produced LNG per year (approximately 3.02 Bcf/year, 0.008 Bcf/day) from its proposed “micro-LNG facility” at the Hialeah Rail Yard near Medley, Fla. to nations without a Free Trade Agreement with the United States.  The LNG will be loaded at the Hialeah Facility...

Article Casts Doubt on Market for U.S. LNG Exports

An article in the Journal of Energy Security questions whether, due to the drop in oil-linked LNG prices in Asian markets, demand for U.S. LNG supplies will exist in those markets once the supplies come on line.  The article suggests Caribbean and Central American nations and U.S. vehicle fuel markets may be a better alternative for U.S. natural gas supplies.    ...

Cheniere Marketing and Central El Campesino Sign Agreement for Corpus Christi LNG Supplies

Cheniere Energy announced that its subsidiary Cheniere Marketing International LLP has entered into an LNG sale and purchase agreement with Central El Campesino, under which Central El Campesino would purchase approximately 0.6 million tonnes per year of LNG delivered ex-ship for 20 years beginning in 2019 from the Corpus Christi Liquefaction Project currently under construction near...

Magnolia LNG and Meridian LNG Sign Capacity Agreement

Magnolia LNG, LLC announced that it has signed a liquefaction tolling agreement (LTA) with Meridian LNG Holdings Corp (Meridian LNG) for firm capacity rights for up to 2 million tonnes per annum at Magnolia LNG’s proposed liquefaction and LNG export terminal at Lake Charles, La.  Under the LTA, Magnolia will provide liquefaction services to Meridian LNG for monthly capacity payments. ...

B.C. Passes Legislation Allowing LNG Project Agreements

Yesterday, the British Columbia (B.C.) legislature passed Bill 30, the Liquefied Natural Gas Project Agreements Act, which provides legislative authority for the B.C. government to enter into LNG project agreements.  The act has also received Royal Assent.  Bill 30 allows for the ratification of B.C.’s first LNG project agreement with Pacific NorthWest LNG (PNWLNG) for the development...

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