Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Vacates Port Dolphin Energy’s Pipeline Certificate Authority

FERC has issued an order granting Port Dolphin Energy’s request to vacate its certificate authority to construct and operate the onshore portion of a pipeline which would interconnect to Port Dolphin’s proposed deepwater port LNG import terminal for offshore Tampa, Fla.  In requesting the vacatur, Port Dolphin explained that due to changed market conditions it has been unable to...

Tohoku Electric Signs Deal with ENGIE for Cameron LNG Supplies

Hellenic Shipping News reports that Japanese company Tohoku Electric has signed an agreement with ENGIE (formerly GDF Suez) to purchase 270,000 million tonnes/year of LNG over 20 years from the Cameron LNG liquefaction and export terminal under construction near Hackberry, La. According to the report, the agreement includes provisions giving Tohoku Electric the flexibility to alter...

Petronas Reaffirms Commitment to Build LNG Export Terminal

The Globe and Mail reports that Petronas executive vice-president Wee Yiaw Hin reaffirmed Petronas’ commitment to build a 11.4 billion export terminal on Lelu Island in British Columbia. Petronas issued a statement yesterday that it “would like to reaffirm its commitment to deliver long-term LNG supply to its customers through the Pacific NorthWest LNG project in [British Columbia,]...

B.C. Official Refutes Report of Petronas’ Delay on LNG Export Terminal

CBC News reports that British Columbia Minister of Natural Gas Development Rich Coleman has refuted a Malaysian press report which stated that Malaysian state oil company Petronas, primary sponsor of the proposed Pacific Northwest LNG export terminal near Prince Rupert, B.C.,  was considering delaying the project for up to nine years due to economic conditions.  According to the CBC...

Cheniere Unit Signs Agreement with EDF for Additional Sabine Pass LNG Volumes

Cheniere Energy, Inc. (Cheniere) announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, Cheniere Marketing International LLP (Cheniere Marketing), has entered into another sales arrangement with Électricité de France, S.A. (EDF) for the delivery of LNG cargoes on an ex-ship basis from Cheniere’s Sabine Pass LNG terminal under construction in Cameron Parish, La.  The sales arrangement...

Alaska Governor in Japan To Sell LNG

Alaska Governor Bill Walker is in Japan for a series of meetings to discuss Alaska’s LNG potential with top-ranking executives in Japan.  On his second day of meetings, Governor Walker met with the chief executive of Marubeni Corporation, a leading LNG trading company, and signed a memorandum of understanding to formalize Alaska’s relationship with the prefecture of Kyoto.  Governor...

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