Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Suez Employs First U.S. Mariners Under MARAD Agreement

Platts LNG Daily [subscription required] reports that Suez LNG is now using U.S. mariners aboard one of its LNG carriers, the Suez Matthew, pursuant to an agreement between the company and MARAD. U.S. Maritime Administrator Sean Connaughton and Suez’s president and chief executive Clay Harris both expressed their enthusiasm for the program. According to Platts, Suez hopes U.S....

Hess LNG President Pledges to Press Forward on Weaver’s Cove Proposal

Gordon Shearer, president of Hess LNG, told the Associated Press (carried via the Houston Chronicle) that his company plans to submit a new proposal to the U.S. Coast Guard within the next few months that will address the agency’s concerns with the Weaver’s Cove LNG project. This move will prompt a new review by the Coast Guard, according to an agency official. Shearer...

LNG Terminal Developer to Answer Coast Guard’s Questions

Platts LNG Daily reports that NorthernStar Natural Gas, the company developing the Clearwater Port LNG Deepwater Port offshore Southern California, will attempt to answer the more than 400 additional questions required by the U.S. Coast Guard on their deepwater port application. NorthernStar’s vice president of West Coast development told Platts that the company was not surprised...

Clearwater Port LNG Developer Comments on Competitor’s Application

The Malibu Surfside News reports that NorthernStar Natural Gas, developer of the Clearwater Port LNG import terminal proposed for offshore Southern California, has filed a letter with federal authorities requesting that a competing project sponsored by Woodside Natural Gas, OceanWay LNG, face similar questions to those recently presented  by the U.S. Coast Guard to Clearwater Port LNG....

Coast Guard Submits Request for Further Information on Clearwater Port LNG

The Malibu Surfside News reports that the U.S. Coast Guard has submitted almost 400 questions to NorthernStar Natural Gas, the company proposing to construct the Clearwater Port LNG terminal offshore California. The letter, according to the Surfside News, states that the questions need to be answered by NorthernStar before the Coast Guard can process the developer’s...

Editorial: Local Pressure Should not Prevent New Energy Infrastructure

While referencing the U.S. Coast Guard’s recent decision to declare the waterway leading to the planned Weaver’s Cove LNG import terminal “unsuitable,” an editorial carried by the Providence Journal (R.I.) urges federal agencies to avoid basing their permitting decisions on “NIMBY political pressure” and to allow new energy infrastructure in the...

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