Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Downeast LNG President: Passamaquoddy Bay is Safe for LNG Vessels

In a letter published by the Telegraph-Journal, Downeast LNG President Dean Girdis states that computer simulations of LNG vessels transiting the Head Harbour Passage, a study conducted by Canadian consultants for the Canadian government, as well as the U.S. Coast Guard’s recent findings, all demonstrate that Passamaquoddy Bay is suitable for LNG tanker...

MARAD Releases Report on U.S. Maritime Policy

On Monday the Maritime Administration (MARAD) announced the availability of a report analyzing U.S. maritime policy. The report concludes that U.S. maritime policy should be more supportive of international trade but highlights improvements in policies fostering U.S. participation in the LNG trade through MARAD’s involvement in the licensing of LNG deepwater ports and the...

St. Andrew’s, NB Mayor Reasserts Canada Will Not Permit LNG Vessels in Head Harbour Passage

John D. Craig, mayor of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, reiterated his belief that the Canadian government will not allow LNG vessels to transit Canadian waters near Passamaquoddy Bay, including the Head Harbour Passage. Emphasizing the difference between St. Andrew’s and the proposed project, Craig stressed that “this is a tourism area and that’s what we want to...

Failure to Reach International Agreement on LNG Tanker Transit Could Hinder Plans for Passamaquoddy Bay Projects

James McPherson, the U.S. Coast Guard’s Captain of the Port for Northern New England, told the Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick, Canada) that a failure to reach an agreement between American and Canadian authorities regarding LNG vessel transit through Canadian waters could hinder the construction of the LNG terminals proposed for the Passamaquoddy Bay area in Maine, including...

USCG Addresses Canadian Sovereignty, Other Issues, in Downeast LNG WSR

The Letter of Recommendation (LOR) and Waterway Suitability Report (WSR) prepared by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) for the proposed Downeast LNG regasification terminal project are now available. The documents require Downeast to implement a number of risk mitigation measures, including developing “standard operating parameters approved by the USCG and coordinated with the...

USCG Issues LOR and WSR for Downeast LNG

Yesterday the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) issued  its formal Letter of Recommendation and Waterway Suitability Report regarding the Passamaquoddy Bay waterway to be used by LNG vessels servicing the proposed Downeast LNG terminal. According to the USCG press release, after extensive review and analysis, it has determined that the waterway will be suitable for the type and amount of LNG...

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