Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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U.S. Coast Guard Proposes Security Zones Near Freeport LNG

The U.S. Coast Guard filed in today’s Federal Register two notices of proposed rulemaking. The first rulemaking would establish a permanent security zone in the Freeport LNG Basin to restrict marine traffic near the Freeport LNG terminal. The second rulemaking would establish moving security zones for certain vessels, including LNG vessels, bound for the Port of...

U.S. Coast Guard Seeking Comments on Proposed Rule Affecting Waterfront LNG Terminals

Yesterday’s Federal Register contained a notice of proposed rulemaking published by the U.S. Coast Guard for the purpose of harmonizing its regulations with FERC’s regulation of waterfront LNG import and export terminals. The proposed rule  would make the submission of a Waterway Suitability Assessment by a project proponent mandatory under Coast Guard rules, thus...

U.S. Coast Guard Confirms Findings for Waterway Associated with Jordan Cove LNG

The Coos Bay World (Ore.) reports that the U.S. Coast Guard finalized its analysis of the waterway to be used by LNG vessels servicing the Jordan Cove LNG import terminal. The World reports that the Coast Guard confirmed its previous finding that although the waterway is not currently suitable for LNG vessel traffic, it could be modified to accept LNG vessels. The Coast Guard’s...

U.S. Coast Guard Releases Letter of Recommendation for Oregon LNG

The U.S. Coast Guard has determined that “the applicable portions of the Columbia River and its approaches are not currently suitable, but could be made suitable for the type and frequency of LNG marine traffic” contemplated by the Oregon LNG project. Oregon LNG Peter Hansen expressed satisfaction in a press release, saying that the conclusions in the Coast Guard’s...

U.S. Coast Guard Determines Waterways “Suitable” for Eight LNG Projects

The U.S. Coast Guard announced this morning that it has determined the waterways associated with eight LNG import terminals are suitable for the vessel traffic expected to service those facilities. The relevant terminals are: Calhoun LNG, Point Comfort, Texas; Freeport LNG Phase II, Freeport, Texas; Golden Pass LNG, Sabine Pass, Texas; Port Arthur LNG, Port Arthur, Texas; Creole Trail...

USCG Commandant Visits Port Arthur to Inaugurate LNG Center

U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Thad Allen visited Beaumont, Texas, yesterday to inaugurate the United States’ third Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier National Center of Expertise. According to the Beaumont Enterprise, classes describing marine transportation of LNG will be offered to both Coast Guard personnel and industry...

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