Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Plans to Issue FEIS for Corpus Christi LNG Terminal in October 2014

FERC has released a notice that it plans to release the final environmental impact statement for Corpus Christi Liquefaction’s (CCL) proposed LNG import and export terminal on October 8, 2014.  The terminal would be located near Corpus Christi, Texas, and would have the capacity to liquefy up to approximately 2.1 Bcf/day.  Other federal agencies must act by January 6, 2015, on any...

FERC to Release Final EIS for Downeast LNG Import Terminal in May 2014

FERC released a notice indicating that it intends to release on May 15, 2014, the final environmental impact statement for the proposed Downeast LNG import terminal on Passamaquoddy Bay, Washington County, Maine. Other federal agencies must act by August 13, 2014, on any other authorizations for the project required by those agencies. FERC’s notice can be found here, and the complete...

FERC Provides Project Update for the Oregon LNG Terminal

FERC has released an update on the status of its review of Oregon LNG’s application to construct an LNG terminal at Warrenton, Ore. and interconnected pipeline.  FERC is currently reviewing information to complete its biological assessment and essential fish habitat assessment, after which it will release a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).   The draft EIS then will be made...

Senator Murkowski Pushing for Increased Exports of U.S. LNG and Other Energy Sources

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) has released a White Paper calling for regulatory reforms to permit increased exports of U.S. energy supplies, including LNG.  Regarding LNG, the White Paper recommends that “DOE [] expedite its review process for applications to export LNG to non-[Free Trade Agreement] countries and that “[f]ederal environmental review of gas projects should not include...

FERC Releases Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Cameron LNG Export Project

FERC released its draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the Cameron LNG export terminal project, finding that, with the recommended mitigation measures, impacts in the project area would be avoided or minimized and would not be significant.  Public comments on the DEIS are due March 3, 2014.  FERC’s notice of the DEIS can be found here, and the entire docket for the Cameron...

Public Comment Sought on Environmental Review of the Woodfibre LNG Export Project

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) is seeking public comment on the potential environmental effects of the proposed Woodfibre LNG export project in British Columbia (B.C.) to assist CEAA in determining whether a federal environmental assessment is required for project.  CEAA is also seeking comment on the B.C. Government’s request to substitute B.C.’s environmental...

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