Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Environmental Groups Critical of FERC’s Environmental Assessment of the Cove Point LNG Export Project

Earthjustice, Sierra Club, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and other environmental and citizen groups released a joint statement critical of FERC’s Environment Assessment (EA) of the proposed Dominion Cove Point LNG export project.  Among other things, the groups claim the EA (1) fails to analyze the cumulative greenhouse gas emission impacts from additional hydraulic fracturing...

FERC Releases Environmental Reports for Dominion Cove Point LNG and Downeast LNG Projects

FERC has released an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed Dominion Cove Point LNG export project to be located at Lusby, Md.  The EA concludes that if the project is constructed and operated as proposed, with appropriate mitigation measures, project approval would not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.  The EA...

Gulf LNG Liquefaction Submits Request to Initiate FERC Pre-filing Process

Gulf LNG Liquefaction (GLL) filed a request with FERC to initiate the pre-filing environmental review process for a gas liquefaction and LNG export terminal to be located at the existing Gulf LNG import terminal near Pascagoula, MS, and an interconnected pipeline.  GLL proposes to construct two LNG trains in two phases, each with a production capacity of 5 million tonnes per year. ...

FERC Releases Environmental Review Schedule for the Aguirre Offshore GasPort Project

FERC has released the schedule for its environmental review of the Aguirre Offshore GasPort Project, a proposed floating storage and regasification facility designed to provide up to 150,900 cubic meters of LNG storage capacity and a sustained deliverability of up to 500 million standard cubic feet per day of natural gas to the Aguirre Power Complex in Salinas, Puerto Rico.  FERC plans...

FERC Releases FEIS for Cameron LNG Export Terminal

Today, FERC released its final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for Cameron LNG’s proposed LNG export project near Hackberry, La.  FERC staff concludes that approval of the project, with mitigation measures, would not result in significant impacts in the project area.  The FEIS finds that construction and operation of the project would result in mostly temporary and short-term...

Corpus Christi Liquefaction Selects Texas Agency as the Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority For Its LNG Export Terminal

Corpus Christi Liquefaction, LLC (CCL) has filed a letter with FERC stating that it has selected the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) as the reviewing authority for CCL’s pending application for a Greenhouse Gas Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit for CCL’s proposed LNG export terminal near Corpus Christi, Texas.  The letter states that the U.S. Environmental...

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