Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Alaska LNG Project Sponsors Request Permission to Begin FERC’s Pre-filing Process

The sponsors of the Alaska LNG Project, ExxonMobil Alaska LNG LLC, ConocoPhillips Alaska LNG Company, BP Alaska LNG LLC, TransCanada Alaska Midstream LP, and the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, filed a request with FERC to begin the pre-filing environmental review process for their proposed LNG export terminal and related facilities near Nikiski in south central Alaska and an...

Gulf LNG Submits Monthly Progress Report to FERC

Gulf LNG Liquefaction Company and its affiliates submitted a report to FERC describing pre-filing environmental review activities undertaken during August for its proposed LNG export terminal at Pascagoula, Miss.  According to the report, among other things, biological/wetlands and cultural surveys and geotechnical investigations were completed during August.  The report can be...

Louisiana LNG Energy Files Draft Resource Reports

Louisiana LNG Energy (LLNGE) has filed with FERC draft Resource Reports No. 1 (General Project Description) and 10 (Alternatives) as part of FERC’s National Environmental Policy Act pre-filing review process for LLNGE’s proposed Mississippi River LNG export terminal and interconnected pipeline at mile marker 46, Plaquemines Parish, La.  The draft Resource Reports can be found here...

FERC Adopts General Conformity Determination for the Proposed Dominion Cove Point LNG Export Terminal

FERC Staff has adopted as final its draft General Conformity Determination (GCD) for Dominion Cove Point LNG’s (DCP) proposed export terminal in Lusby, Md. and related pipeline facilities.  FERC received no public comments on the draft GCD, which was released in May 2014.  The GCD, prepared pursuant to the Clean Air Act, addresses the potential air quality impacts from DCP’s proposed...

DOE Releases Addendum to Environmental Review Documents for LNG Exports

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released a final Addendum updating its May 2014 “Draft Addendum To Environmental Review Documents Concerning Exports Of Natural Gas From The United States.”  The Addendum provides additional information on the potential environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling activities gas production and exploration activities.  DOE...

Judge Rules County Zoning Exemptions Granted for Cove Point LNG Terminal Are Invalid

The Associated Press (AP) and Southern Maryland News (SoMdNews) report that a judge has ruled that zoning exemptions granted by Calvert County Commissioners for the Dominion Cove Point LNG terminal are invalid.  According to the SoMdNews report, Judge James Salmon ruled that “the exemptions violate the uniformity provision in the Land Use article and constitute[] a special law that...

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