Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Releases Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Lake Charles LNG Export Project

FERC has released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Lake Charles liquefaction and LNG export terminal project proposed by Trunkline Gas Company and affiliates at the existing LNG import terminal at Lake Charles, La.  The DEIS concludes that approval of the proposed project would have some adverse environmental impacts, but most of these impacts would be...

FERC Initiates Pre-Filing Environmental Review Procedures for Annova LNG Brownsville Export Project

FERC has approved Annova LNG Brownsville and affiliates’ (ALB) request for initiation of pre-filing environmental review procedures for ALB’s proposed liquefaction and LNG export terminal on the Brownsville Ship Channel in Cameron County, Texas.  The Project is proposed to consist of an export terminal and six liquefaction trains, each with a firm nameplate capacity of 1.0 million...

Coast Guard and MARAD Temporarily Suspend Review of Port Ambrose LNG Import Project

The U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) have temporarily suspended their review of Liberty Natural Gas’s proposed Port Ambrose deepwater LNG import terminal to be located off the coasts of New Jersey and New York.  The suspension was implemented to permit the Coast Guard and MARAD to complete their Final Environmental Impact Statement for the project and to...

Port Arthur LNG and Rio Grande LNG Submit Requests for FERC Pre-Filing Procedures

Port Arthur LNG (PALNG) has filed a request with FERC for the initiation of pre-filing environmental review procedures for a proposed liquefaction and LNG export terminal in the City of Port Arthur, Texas.  PALNG proposes to construct two liquefaction trains each with 5 million tonnes per annum production capacity.  PALNG anticipates the project to be completed by the third quarter of...

FERC Releases Project Update for Magnolia LNG Terminal and Lake Charles Expansion Project

FERC has released an update of its review of the proposed Magnolia LNG export terminal at Lake Charles, La. and the proposed Kinder Morgan Lake Charles Expansion pipeline to provide gas service to the Magnolia LNG terminal.  FERC is currently preparing a draft environmental impact statement for the projects which will be made available for public comment.  The update can be found here,...

FERC Releases Project Update for Mississippi River LNG Project

FERC has released an update of its review of Louisiana Liquefied Natural Gas Energy’s (LLNGE) proposed Mississippi River LNG export terminal project in Plaquemines Parish, La.  LLNGE is currently preparing a second round of draft environmental resource reports for submission to FERC.  FERC and stakeholders may submit comments on the reports once submitted, after which LLNGE will file a...

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