Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC to Begin Environmental Review of the Onshore Pipeline Portion of Delfin LNG’s Offshore Terminal

FERC issued a notice seeking comments on the scope of its environmental review of the onshore pipeline portion of Delfin LNG’s proposed deepwater port liquefaction and LNG export terminal, located in Cameron Parish, La.  ...

FERC Grants Pre-Filing Procedures for G2 LNG Export Terminal

FERC has issued a letter granting G2 LNG, LLC’s request for initiation of pre-filing environmental review procedures for its proposed liquefaction and LNG export terminal on the west bank of the Calcasieu River in Cameron Parish, La.  The order states that G2 intends to file a formal application for the project in July 2016.  ...

FERC Releases Update for Annova LNG Project

FERC has released an update on its review of Annova LNG’s proposed liquefaction and LNG export terminal on the southern bank of the Brownsville Ship Channel at mile marker 8.2 in Cameron County, Texas.  The Project would include six liquefaction trains with the ability to produce about 6 million tons per year of LNG and marine facilities for export of the LNG.  FERC is currently...

G2 LNG Requests Initiation of FERC Pre-Filing Process

G2 LNG, LLC has filed a letter requesting that FERC initiate the pre-filing environmental review process for its proposed liquefaction and export terminal facility on the west bank of the Calcasieu River, Calcasieu Parish, La. between mile markers 3 and 4.  The project would have a peak production capacity of approximately 14 million metric tonnes of LNG/year.  G2 LNG states that it...

FERC Releases Final EIS for the Proposed Magnolia LNG Export Terminal

FERC has released the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for the proposed Magnolia LNG export terminal at Lake Charles, La. and the various liquefaction, LNG distribution, and appurtenant facilities. The notice states that FERC staff concludes that approval of the proposed projects would result in adverse environmental impacts but these impacts would be reduced to...

Woodfibre LNG Receives Environmental Assessment Certificate for B.C. Export Terminal

The British Columbia (B.C.) Environmental Assessment Office has issued an environmental assessment certificate approving Woodfibre LNG’s proposed liquefaction and export terminal near Squamish, B.C.  According to The Vancouver Sun article, the facility “still requires federal environmental approval and it could be the first test of the incoming Liberal government’s approach to energy...

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