Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Extends Schedule for Completion of Oregon LNG Environmental Review

FERC issued a notice today extending the date for the release of its environmental impact statement for the proposed Oregon LNG export terminal project from February 12, 2016 to June 3, 2016.  Other federal agencies having jurisdiction over the project will have until September 1, 2016 to complete their review....

EPA Recommends FERC Revise its Guidance to LNG Project Applicants to Address Increased Gas Production and Climate Change

In comments submitted to FERC regarding FERC’s review of its Guidance Manual for environmental reports prepared for Natural Gas Act applicants, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends that the Guidance Manual request LNG export project applicants (1) to provide information regarding the potential for increased natural gas production and the related environmental impacts due...

Canadian Environmental Agency Concludes Pacific NorthWest LNG Terminal Unlikely to Cause Significant Adverse Effects

The Globe and Mail reports that scientists from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a federal agency, sent a letter last week to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency concluding that “[t]he effects of the [Pacific NorthWest LNG] marine structure on fish and fish habitat have been categorized as having a low potential of resulting in significant adverse effects.”  Malaysian state oil...

FERC Defends Rejection of Claims of Induced Gas Production in Reviewing LNG Export Terminal Application

Law360 reports that in the court appeal of FERC’s orders approving the Corpus Christi LNG export terminal, FERC stands by its policy that, in its environmental review of Corpus Christi LNG’s export project application, FERC was not required to consider the environmental effects of potential increased gas production caused by the project.  Sierra Club and other environmental groups have...

FERC Releases Schedule for Cameron LNG Expansion Environmental Review

FERC issued a notice of its intent to release its environmental assessment for the Cameron LNG export terminal expansion project (Project) on February 12, 2016.  Other federal agencies having jurisdiction over the Project would have until May 12, 2016 to complete their review.  The proposed Project, near Hackberry, La., would increase the terminal’s LNG production capacity by 515...

Eagle LNG Files Status Report for Jacksonville LNG Terminal

Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville LLC has filed its monthly report on the status of the development of its proposed liquefaction and LNG export terminal along the St. Johns River in the City of Jacksonville, Florida.  Eagle LNG stated that in December 2015 it entered into an agreement with CH-IV to provide Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) activities for the project and has...

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