Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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LNG Canada Receives B.C. LNG Facility Permit

LNG Canada announced today that the British Columbia (B.C.) Oil and Gas Commission has issued an LNG Facility Permit for LNG Canada’s proposed liquefaction and LNG export terminal at Kitimat, B.C.  LNG Canada stated that the permit, which focuses on public and environmental safety, is one of the key permits required for the construction and operation of the proposed project, and LNG...

Pieridae Energy (Canada) Acquires Land for Goldboro LNG Project

The Chronicle Herald reports that Pieridae Energy (Canada) Ltd. has acquired a 107-hectare tract of land for its proposed Goldboro LNG export terminal in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia.  According to the report, the proposed facility, which includes a processing plant and export terminal, would produce 10 million tonnes of LNG annually.  A final investment decision for the project...

Woodfibre LNG Receives Environmental Assessment Certificate for B.C. Export Terminal

The British Columbia (B.C.) Environmental Assessment Office has issued an environmental assessment certificate approving Woodfibre LNG’s proposed liquefaction and export terminal near Squamish, B.C.  According to The Vancouver Sun article, the facility “still requires federal environmental approval and it could be the first test of the incoming Liberal government’s approach to energy...

B.C. Approves Pacific NorthWest LNG Export Terminal Feeder Pipeline

The Globe and Mail reports that the British Columbia (B.C.) Oil and Gas Commission has granted approval to TransCanada to construct and operate the C$5 billion, 900 kilometer Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline, which would provide access to Montney gas supplies for the proposed Pacific NorthWest LNG (PNWLNG) export terminal on Lelu Island, near Prince Rupert, B.C.  The PNWLNG...

AltaGas’s Proposed Floating Liquefaction Facility Facing C$100 Million Customs Duty

AltaGas Ltd., one of the sponsors of the proposed Douglas Channel LNG export terminal at Kitimat, British Columbia, is delaying a final investment decision on the project pending the outcome of an appeal of a C$100 million federal customs duty imposed on a floating liquefaction plant that one of its partners, Belgium’s Exmar NV, is building for the project.  According to a Business in...

Petronas’s Pacific Northwest LNG Project “Shovel Ready” Once it Receives Permits

The Globe and Mail reports that the president of Pacific Northwest LNG, majority backed by Malaysian state oil company Petronas, has stated that despite a native group’s legal challenge of the project’s proposed site, his company is “shovel ready, and ready to move ahead as soon as we’ve got the final federal government approvals and final permits” for its proposed LNG export terminal,...

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