Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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B.C. to Conduct Environmental Assessment of the WesPac Tilbury Marine Jetty Project

The Canadian Minister of the Environment, the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, P.C., M.P., has approved British Columbia (B.C.)’s request for substitution to permit B.C.’s Environmental Assessment Office to prepare the environmental assessment for the WesPac Tilbury Marine Jetty Project.  Last week, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency had ruled that a federal environmental...

Federal Environmental Assessment Required for WesPac Tilbury Marine Jetty Project

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has ruled that a federal environmental assessment, rather than a provincial environmental assessment as requested by the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office, is required for the WesPac Tilbury Marine Jetty Project.  The project, proposed by WesPac Midstream – Vancouver LLC, involves the construction and operation of a new LNG...

B.C. Government Releases Details of Pacific NorthWest LNG Deal

CBC News reports that British Columbia (B.C.) Finance Minister Mike de Jong has released details of the province’s $36-billion deal with Petronas-led Pacific NorthWest LNG (PNWLNG) to encourage construction of a liquefaction and LNG export terminal near Prince Rupert.  According to the CBC News article, B.C. has agreed, for a period of 25 years, “to compensate [PNWLNG] if taxes on the...

Environmental Assessment of Woodfibre LNG Project Paused For First Nation Consultations

The Vancouver Sun reports that the British Columbia (B.C.) Environmental Assessment Office has, at Woodfibre LNG’s request, suspended its review of Woodfibre LNG’s proposed 2.1 million metric tonnes/year liquefaction and LNG export terminal near Squamish, B.C., to permit Woodfibre LNG to address concerns of the Squamish Nation.  According to the article, the “assessment will resume...

Quicksilver Resources Granted Canadian LNG Export License

Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc. was granted a license by the Canadian National Energy Board to export 960 Bcf/year of LNG over a 25 year term from the proposed Discovery LNG liquefaction and export terminal on the north side of Campbell River, British Columbia.  ...

Project Agreements Signed with First Nations for LNG Canada’s Feeder Pipeline

TransCanada announced its Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project (Coastal GasLink) has signed project agreements with Canadian First Nations Wet’suwet’en First Nation, Skin Tyee Nation, Nee-Tahi-Buhn Band, Yekooche First Nation, Doig River First Nation, and Halfway River First Nation, whose traditional and treaty territories are located along the proposed Coastal GasLink pipeline...

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